Sunday, December 7, 2008

Clean Sweep

I hate cleaning. Have I ever mentioned that? I don't think I have, but I really hate to clean. I knew this weekend I needed to do a good thorough cleaning and so yesterday I cleaned out the fridge. I had no idea refried beans could stay good without molding for so long. I swear to you we had 3 containers with remnants of refried beans. So disgusting. I also cleaned all of the monkey's bottles and loaded and unloaded the dishwasher. Cleaned cabinets, etc.

Then this morning I started on little man's room. We have had a mouse problem and we are still trying to get rid of those sneaky bastards. But anywho...I had received quite a bit of hand me down clothes for the monkey and I had washed them all. But after washing them I realized I did not have enough hangers so they were in a laundry basket in his room. Actually more like 4 laundry baskets but I kept forgetting to get more hangers. But then we got the mice and I like to be on the safe side because I knew they had been in his room from their little "treats" they left for us by his book case. Well I finally got more hangers so this morning I started laundry. I did laundry ALL FREAKING DAY! I could not believe it. And even after I had bought 40 more hangers I still don't have enough. So the rest of the clothes are high so the mice can't get them.

After all the laundry had been put away (except for the ones without hangers) I decided to finish cleaning the refrigerator. I cleaned that bad boy and it is sparkling! And then we moved the TV to the other side of the living room because Leo thinks it's feng shui is better. Just kidding, he just wanted all of the furniture to be pointing to the TV for some reason! And now it is 9:52 and I did not get around to the bathroom. I will save that for an evening this week. And let me tell you I am NOT looking forward to it. The one thing though that makes cleaning so worthwhile is being able to sit down after all that and think what a nice looking house you have! Hopefully everyone's weekend was as productive as mine! And I hope most of you are at least started with the Christmas shopping...only 17 days until Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gag, I hate laundry. I would rather clean 15 toilet bowls than have to fold / hang up laundry... I have 3 baskets of unfolded clothes in my living room right now!!! And, am I folding them? HELL NO, I'm on the computer!!! lol

    I cleaned my house too this weekend. Sadly, I actually felt pretty proud of everything I had accomplished... And considering I have a house full of sickies, is amazing I got even half of it done!

    Sorry about the mice thing, that sucks. You should give my brother a call, he had a problem like that and he found an AWESOME trap. Works great and you dont even have to see the filthy thing once it is caught in there... fyi :)
