Monday, January 12, 2009

When Do I Find The Time

I have read 5 books since the new year started. Granted I had a few days where I was holed up because of the whole father-in-law situation, but seriously...has there really been that much bad TV on that I spent that much time reading? The answer is yes. I have read the final 2 Harry Potter books which equals over 1100 pages of pure awesomeness. I also read Jen Lancaster's Such a Pretty Fat and then I finished off with the first 2 Percy Jackson books. I am borrowing the last 3 in the series from a friend so those should be finished by the weekend! I will give you my reviews on all but the Harry Potter because you all already know how I feel about those!

Such a Pretty Fat: Jen Lancaster is freaking hilarious! She is an overweight woman (who isn't) that can't be more than 3 things: Fat, Renting and 40. She chooses not to be fat. And does it hilariously so we can all laugh with her and know that we have been right there with her. The only sad part was when I realized I was reading a dieting memoir as I shoved my face with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Oh know from my previous blogs I'm working on that! Anyone who hasn't read any of her books should run right out and do that now. I'm not kidding...stop reading and go!

As for Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. They were both good books. Definitely easy reads since they are meant for young adults but still quite good. No Harry Potter but I finished each one in a day so obviously good enough that I didn't want to put them down! I really like mythology and I think that any book that wants to get kids to learn more than about vampires and true love then these are good books. I also liked that the characters ventured outside of what they think is there comfort zone. Obviously these characters are not real (or are they...) but from what we get about who they are they step out of their comfort zone to help friends. Also good qualities to teach impressionable kids!

So those are my reviews...I will get back to you about the last three in the series and I would really like to read Revolutionary Road when I get done with those.

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