Thursday, February 19, 2009

You knew he was coming right?

Ok, so I got to be quick about this because I need to get ready for work but I didn't want to disappoing my loyal readers by leaving off the MOST HOTTEST SEXIEST MAN ON THE PLANET! Without futher's Johnny!

Of course one in the tub!

And being the HOT Captain Jack Sparrow

Just looking fabulous!

And all clean cut and ready to meet the folks! :)

Enjoy (and by enjoy I mean salivate all over your desk and mock-kiss your computer screen! ANd I know some of you will actually kiss your screen! I know I did!!!!!)


  1. I'm so sorry I have to disagree! He is cute, but not on my hot list. Those are some pretty good pics though.

  2. Oh Sorry Brooke sugar, Depp is so hawt! lol I think he just screams my opinion, but hey...we all have our types right? He was gonna go on my list but I KNEW someone else would take him lol...Nice JOb Hun

  3. He has that different type of sex appeal... not all muscles and what I would say hunky but, cute and adorable.

    I just wished he spoke clearer in his movies so I could understand what he is saying.

  4. LOL You are too funny Dream...that was just one movie, he was suppose to be drunk and slurring his words...that was his character :-) Watch From will see a whole other side...yummy

  5. Thank you Kendra... Fantastic choice!

    As I am a slacker and have been too busy doing ACTUAL work this week, instead of participating in the Sexy Man Week, I just want to say that you are DAMN lucky that I WAS NOT. This would have been my day one sexy man!!!

    But SINCE I AM A SLACKER, I would just like to extend my gratitude for making sure that Johnny boy made his appearance this week, as I was unable to do so...
