Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nothing to see here

So I haven't posted since Tuesday because life has been pretty boring in the kendrasue household. I don't really have a lot to say but the weather has been a lot nicer lately so we have been spending a lot more time outdoors. I took my own monkey to the zoo on Saturday with my mom and we had a good time.

We also went to the Shocker basketball game. They were in a tournament that wasn't the NIT or the NCAA tournament but it was a really exciting game. We even took the monkey and he REALLY liked it! We had gone to one other game earlier in the season and it was his first basketball game ever and he was freaked out! This time he knew what to expect and had a good time. He even got to highfive the Shocker. He was real excited about that. He keeps saying (4 days later no less) that he highfived the Shocker and that the player fell and bumped his head because one of the players took a charge and got knocked out. They had to wheel him out on a stretcher and everything. It was kinda scary especially with the whole Natasha Richardson thing going on where she fell and hit her head on the slopes and then died. It makes me a little paranoid especially as much of a daredevil as little man is. Now I feel like I am watching him even closer then I was before. I know that we can't protect them from everything but still...

Anyways...I am getting ready to go make dinner but I wanted to throw some stuff out there for you. Hopefully everyone has had a great weekend and hopefully my upcoming week will be more exciting so I have something to tell you!

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