Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday already?

Oh sweet weekend? Where did you go? Oh yeah, you reared your ugly head and told me to have a really lousy weekend because apparently I needed the added stress that is manager going and having her baby a week early. Right in the middle of a play that I was thourougly enjoying!

Yep, you heard it here! I was at music theater and during intermission I was getting on my phone to check out Olive Gardens menu since I would be dining there later that evening when I saw I had 4 text messages. All from said boss. She told me I jinxed her because the night before I asked her how she was doing and she responded saying G2 was doing as he was supposed to. Little did we know fate would intervene and Nolan Gillen was born yesterday. My second half of Kiss Me Kate was ruined because my head was running over possible schedule scenarios trying to replace her in our schedule. I did still end up going to the Olive Garden to eat dinner with some girls I graduated college with and my life is going infinitely better than theirs (knock on wood.) One of them, her dad just died last week and the other one told us she got a divorce (or that her husband divorced her). You could tell the pain was still there. Those stories are a different post in themselves though. So, I left dinner refreshed yet pained by my friends pain. I ran home, got my son and skedaddled up to the hospital to meet the little bundle of joy. He has a head full of dark hair (funny because his brother probably din't have that much hair until he was almost 2! And he is blonde!) She is dark headed and her husband is blonde so they now have one of each! Anywho...then after the hospital we stopped by the grocery store to pick up Band-Aids and Benadryl because my 2-year old is covered in mosquito bites. I actually made him wear a coat in 97 degree heat because he wouldn't quit scratching them. Poor little thing. And then my husband made me completely paranoid because on the bottle of Benadryl it says not to give to 2-5 year olds without talking to your dr. and I told him my mom said it was ok but then I had to google it because I'm crazy like that. Then I stayed up until almost 11 trying to find the best possible scenarios for the week!

Then this morning I woke up and said mosquito bites were no better and I had a text already telling me that someone was calling in. Fabulosity! Happy monday! I hope everyone elses weekend was great! And I also hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Ouch. Hope your week gets a little better. When my oldest gets bit by mosquitos it looks horrid.

  2. I hope your boss pays you nicely!
