Monday, April 26, 2010

Days of summer

I know it's not the summer yet but I am yearning for it. And I am getting my fix by going for long walks and grilling. I love grilled food. It is absolutely delicious and I am not having to slave over the stove to cook something. And it cleans up so much faster. Usually 1 plate and a turner or tongs. Amazing. In the last week I have grilled 3 times. Pork chops, chicken and hamburgers. And in the upcoming 2 weeks I am planning on grilling 3 times. I am grilling chicken tonight and then hamburgers and more chicken for quesadillas. The other night when I grilled pork chops they turned out AMAZING! I only seasoned them with seasoning salt and pepper but they were great. And tonight with the chicken I will just let them cook and add bbq sauce to them when they are almost finished. See, what did I tell you? Easy.

And the food that goes with grilled goodness. Also amazing. Have I mentioned how amazing all this food is?! But seriously. With our pork chops we had corn on the cob and baked potatoes. And tonight, with our chicken we are having deviled eggs and cheesy, roasted garlic potatoes. mouth is watering just typing this! And we're not big people that change the types of food we eat that often, but if you have a great recipe for the grill...especially for kabobs or veggies let me know because that is definitely something I am wanting to try this year!

I am counting this as my "whatever tickles my fancy" post for my 30 day challenge. I hope everyone is enjoying the effort I am putting into my blog lately!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds so yummy!

    I don't know about grilling but we love to take fish fillets (usually the fish we catch) seasoned with lemon juice and mrs Dash and bbq sause, wrap them up in heavy duty foil and set it on the fire for 20-30 minutes (depending on the thinkness of the fillets).
    Side dish..a bag of frozen mixed veggies, wrapped in foil (like the fillets) with butter and salt and pepper.
