Today we got my little monkeys pictures taken. And it made me start thinking about Christmas and Christmas cards. We got his pictures taken around his first Christmas at JC Penney's and then included them in Christmas cards and then the next few years we just used pictures that I had taken throughout the year and I popped them on the Wal-Mart website and made my own Christmas cards. And I was planning on doing that again this year when I hear about a really awesome deal from
Shutterfly where bloggers could receive 50 free Christmas cards by blogging about their selection. And while I love free things I rarely jump on the offer to blog about a certain product. I just don't feel like I have that much to say about products. But I hadn't used Shutterfly before but my friends had and they said it was a really easy site to maneuver and the fact that the words free accompanied the offer I said I'd give it a go. So I went to the website. And there was SO much to look through.
I thought all they had were cards but I was so wrong! I think my favorite thing that I saw was the picture books. I had seen one that my friend had made from her honeymoon and I thought it was so cool. So I of course now need to make one. I think I'm going to make one for the hubby as a Christmas present. He may think it's cheesy but it's easier than a scrapbook! The one I was looking at for him was the 8X8 book in the style
Simple Black. They even have a route that's called the Simple Path. It's for people like me that don't have quite the creative knack and it figures it all out for them!
And then I had to look at the
baby announcements! No, not pregnant but hopefully next year around this time I will be able to order some announcements. There were so many cute ones but I definitely think that the Inky Chic Pink one was my favorite.

But of course the main reason I was looking was for
Christmas cards. Like I had said we got Leo's pictures taken tonight and they are definitely very fall looking pictures with him in his cute (new) sweater and jeans. If I have to say so myself he was pretty darn cute! So of course we will be using one of those pictures for the cards. So for your viewing pleasure I found 2 very cute designs and it will be very tough to choose which one we want! Please imagine Leo's little face looking at you instead of the people in the pictures!

So I really enjoyed the selection of the cards and learning that they have WAY more to offer than just cards. But I definitely will be back for cards as well as the book! And if you are interested in the promotion for the free holiday cards click over
here to see what it's about! So thank you Shutterfly for giving me this awesome offer to try out AND blog about!
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