Saturday, December 18, 2010

Manic Mall Day

I went to the mall to pick up a dress for my work Christmas party. Nothing too fancy and nothing too expensive either. I probably shouldn't have even been buying anything because that money should go to pay the plumber but whatever! I stopped at Penney's, then I went to Maurices. Then I hit up Old Navy. I was really looking for a sweater dress even though this summer I tried on my friend's belted shirt dress. And I loved. it! But then I tried on a sweater dress with this crazy cowl neck. And it just overwhelmed my tiny, short neck. So off to pay for what else...a shirt for my monkey. Because seriously I can't go anywhere without picking an article of clothing for him. But then alas. At the front of the store was salvation. A shirt dress. That was belted. And in all its cute glory there were hardly any sizes left. So I got a green one in large and a black one in medium. Because I needed help as to which one fit better. I was going to use my mom as my sounding block but then I heard from my friend and she said she was headed to the mall. So I hit up the food court and got an Orange Julius and waited. And when she got there we went to Express. And I found an even cuter dress. Not a shirt dress but an extremely inappropriate dress for a work party but a totally appropriate dress for New Years. If I had anything planned. Which I don't. Plus it was $98. And even though it was 40% off the $60 dress that I probably shouldn't wear to a work party was not looking as good as my $13.50 dress from Old Navy. So I tried that one on for my friend and she said the medium looked better which was kind of a bummer since I liked the green one better but the black I can wear whenever. But I digress. We ended up finishing our shopping at Forever 21 which was a first for me. It just felt very crowded and I felt too big to be in there. Not too old...too big. And seriously...I'm close to being not double digits size wise. But the girls were TINY. She picked up a dress from there and I returned the green one to Old Navy and settled on the black one. So we finished shopping and walked out to our cars together. And I looked at the clock. And it was 4:45. I got off work at 2 and went straight to the mall. It was like in the Percy Jackson books...The mall was my Lotus Hotel. I could stay in there forever and not realize how much time was passing. Luckily I didn't miss anything crucial and Leo was still picked up from school with plenty of time to spare! So score one for Old Navy and their $13 dresses!

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