Monday, January 24, 2011

Memoir Monday: Blown AWAY

Whew. This weekend has come and gone like the wind that brought in the snow flurries.

My weekend started Friday night by joining my little monkey, the hubbs and my parents for dinner at a local BBQ restaurant and then hitting up downtown in the arena to see The Harlem Globetrotters. It was so much fun and Leo enjoyed it this year as much as he did last year. He was so tired by the end of the night though. Going straight from school to dinner and then to the game. He came home and pretty much went straight to bed with no fuss.

Saturday was a work Saturday so I was at work from 9-6. I listened to the KU game on the radio while working (well off and on anyways) and it was a sad day. KU lost and it broke their home court winning streak ending it at 69. But seriously...I think it's pretty dang good to not lose a game at home since 2007!

My evening ended by heading home and making some tostadas for dinner. We hung out and I made 2 picture books for some family members that I didn't have enough time before Christmas to get made so I'm so excited to get those to be able to send them on. I'm sure they will be thrilled when they receive them! I then hit the sack by 9. I know I'm a nerd. I laid in bed watching the 2 episodes of Teen Mom 2 I had taped.

Sunday was not very eventful either. I got up and made breakfast for the family and then hit church at 11. Made a trip to the library to return the first book in the Bones series and picked up the next one. Apparently there are 13 books in the series. Who knew?! And then watched football for most of the afternoon/evening.

My weekends with work on Saturdays just seem to go way too fast and I never get enough stuff done around the house that needs to. But I guess that stuff will eventually take care of itself. Well except those dishes. And the cooking. But other than that...Happy Monday to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad for asking this, but the Harlem Globetrotters are still playing?
