Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Freedom

My new day off this semester (we go by semesters at work because of the amount of college students we employ) is Friday. And while some people would really enjoy Friday's off it's not that big of a day for me. Any day off for me is used to relax without anyone bothering me, getting stuff done around the house or running errands.

So today I got up at 5:15 (yes, on my day off) to go to the gym. And yes, it was probably negative degrees because of the wind chill. It was bitingly cold. Did my class until 6:30. Came home, gave Leo a bath and got him to school by 7:45. And you know what I did then? I went to Wal-Mart. And walked around by myself looking at whatever I wanted and taking the time I wanted. It was glorious! I don't even remember the last time I've done that. And then I was on my way home and thought, what the heck...I'm going to go to Target too! So I did. And I almost bought a really cute St. Patrick's day shirt for myself but then decided against it. But it was cute. So I'll probably check back in hopes that it goes on sale! Look at me with my high aspirations for my day off! And then I was home by 9:30!

After that I just laid in bed until around 3 just catching up on stuff I had recorded on my DVR. I ate breakfast AND lunch in bed. But don't tell my hubby! :) After being in bed all day I figured I should get up and do something productive so I cleaned the kitchen and dining room. I guess I also had put dinner in the crockpot so I wasn't completely lazy! Then around 5 I went to pick up Leo from school. And because I was craving some ice cream we stopped at Sonic. We got the value menu cones. So delicious! And now here I am blogging while Leo is playing X-Box while we wait for the hubby to come home. Then we can eat our (hopefully) delicious dinner of pork chops (recipe forthcoming if it turns out good!), baked potatoes and corn on the cob.

I hope all of your Friday's were as awesome as mine!

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