Sunday, April 10, 2011

Memoir Monday: Dodge City or Bust

This weekend we got to go to Dodge City to visit the in-laws and have my sister-in-laws baby shower. And we had been looking forward to it ALL week.

Friday we all went to work and school but hit the road by 4. We got to Dodge by around 7 and I was so ready to get out of the car. It seemed like the drive took FOREVER. I'm not sure if it was because I drove most of the way or what but I was done with the car! We got some good and then just hung out until we went to bed around 11.

Saturday was our busy day with the shower and everything. Leo was up at 7 (hooray!) and we ate doughnuts and got ready. The hubby and I ran some errands around town and got back in time to eat lunch and finish decorating for the par-tay. The shower was a little awkward (as most family functions are) because I don't know anyone but immediate family and they were busy talking to the other friends so I was just hanging out in the corner. The mama-to-be got lots of good stuff and we had awesome cake and punch. After the shower my friend who lives in the next town over came by and we went and got pedicures and ice cream. It was pretty amazing. We hung out for the longest time and then she had to head home.

This morning my boys let me sleep until almost 11. It was magical. I got up and went upstairs and breakfast (or brunch) was being made. That was also magical! After breakfast we just hung out until it was time to go. And now we are back home. It was a fun trip but now I have nothing to look forward to until Memorial Day weekend when we are planning on going to Kansas City to watch the Royals play some baseball.

So the monotony begins again tomorrow. At 7:30. Yikes!

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