Friday, September 30, 2011 we go

Well bloggy friends.  I have done it.  I know I put in my comments yesterday that I wasn’t going to but I did.  I sent a follow-up email letting upper management know about my successes in sales and letting them know that I am going to be the bigger person in their shake-up but that I am sales oriented and that I can do what they think I can’t do.  I also snuck in there that I thought that I didn’t think it was the best idea to take a test’s word over factual information in what a person’s worth is.  So it got sent Friday afternoon where I’m sure they are not in the office but they should see it Monday.  Here’s hoping I didn’t hurt my future at this company.  But I did send a copy to my mom to read over after the fact and she said it sounded very professional and not bad so yeah. 


  1. In a world where so many don't stand up for themselves, it's good that you did. I applaud you, Kendra!

  2. YAY! Im so proud of you and happy about your bravery! I know it was a tough thing to do, but in the end you defended yourself and thats most important. And if you are scared you hurt your chances in the future at that company...I see what you mean, but truly you dont seem like the type who would stay at a company who treats you poorly. You can take your skills, facts and greatness and go to a different bank! GO YOU! -Tress

  3. good for you! you deserve to stand up for yourself and your positive contributions to your company. hope you have a great monday :)
