Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 21: My BLOG, post 500 and a giveaway!!

Wow!  Look at me...I've gone 3 weeks of being thankful for something!  And today is no different.  I am thankful for my blog.  Not only has it given me a place to spill my guts and get out my frustrations but after a little bit I have come to realize that even though I don't have a lot of things that I like to do I really like to write and so blogging has become my hobby.  It also gives me a place to throw out some things that my little heathens are doing and so my family that reads this can keep up on what is going on in our little world!

So with saying what I'm thankful for here comes the fun part...this is my 500th post!!! I've been blogging for 3 years and I feel like this is a little bit of an accomplishment!  Outside of work and school I'm not sure I've really stuck with a single thing for this long!  So I think that this would be a perfect opportunity to do my first GIVEAWAY!  Woot woot!  And I've seen some other giveaways (and unfortunately mine isn't sponsored!) but I've seen some really cute stuff from ETSY so from what I've seen recently I'm going to give you readers a choice of what you want if you win!

You will have the choice of stationary (either the personalized or monogrammed) from Oh Louise Designs

My favorite design is this:

You can choose from either of these 2 ring bowls from Say Your Piece:

Check out both of these options at the website above.  They are under the wedding gift/keepsakes tab. 

Of course both the stationary and ring bowl are on my Christmas list but unfortunately I can't win my own giveaway! 

So here is how you can enter:

1 entry for following my blog and leaving a comment
1 entry for tweeting this giveaway and letting me know you did it!

And that is it!  I will end the giveaway on Monday, November 28th at 4pm so get at it!  Good luck!


  1. Very cute and congrats on your 500th post! That's huge!

  2. I love the bowls! Congrats on making it to 500 posts.

  3. These are both so cute! Glad to be paired with you and have a new blog to check out. Congrats on your posts!

  4. Ooo, I'm following you now! I love a good giveaway. Cute stuff! Congrats on the 500!

  5. Hey, I didn't realize I wasn't following your blog! Well, I am now!
