Another Tuesday. Would you look at that. Let's get right down to the random!
Did you see my post yesterday? The one where I'm giving away something totally awesome? You didn't? Well you should check it out!
If you've been following me for the past few months you probably know that we are trying to sell our house. And we've had it on the market since August. And we just had a baby also. Well let me tell you...when we get a text message to show our house the same day in less than 4's kind of unnerving. Luckily I'm on maternity leave so I was able to get up and get everything ready to show. But then I had to get Jacoby out in 30 degree weather and go to Wal-Mart just so we could be out of the house for an hour. That sucked. It also sucks that we keep having showings and no one wants to buy our house. I guess I am an extreme optimist (or it could also be seen as naivety) but I really didn't think it would take this long to sell our house. But apparently no one wants to buy a house in our price range ($80,000). But of course all the houses in the price range we're looking at are selling. Because we keep finding houses we like and they keep selling. Lame!
I have a twitter (@kendrasue18). And some of my followers are family members. And I'm ok with that. BUT if I tweet something I have to know that they will see it. I am also ok with that. I'm usually a pretty nice tweeter. On Sunday we were going out to lunch with the hubbys sisters and their husbands. And I was looking forward to it. But then they decided to go to Olive Garden. Which I don't like. So not really thinking about it I tweeted something along the lines of: 'if you know I don't like the Olive Garden why do you insist we go there. Gah.' Now to me I didn't see the big deal about that tweet and didn't think anything about it. But I got on Twitter last night and saw a tweet from the hubby's sister saying something along the lines of if your family or friends can read your tweets why would you complain. It wasn't sent to me but I looked at who she followed and I am one of 2 people she follows that she actually knows. So I'm assuming it was meant towards my tweet. So I told the hubby about it and said if she says anything to you please let her know that I was not trying to be mean. I guess I use my social media for myself and not really for anyone else. Oh well.
We got our swap partners for the ornament swap! I'm so excited to check out my partners blog and see what she's into so I can pick out a really cool ornament!
I started watching New Girl on Hulu and it's pretty funny. I'm also almost completely caught up on Glee to where I can start watching it on TV and not on the computer! That will be awesome!
Ok...that's all the random I have. Don't forget to check out my giveaway and then go visit Stacy and all the other randomers!
Ah, got to watch those tweets. I haven't done it myself, but have seen people get flamed for remarks. No worries. It'll pass.