Thursday, December 15, 2011

Job Update

So if you've been following me for the past few months you know that I had a pretty crappy encounter at work.  You can read all about it here.  And while I haven't had much interaction with work since I've been on maternity leave I have had a little.  I applied for an internal job at the same level I am currently at and was denied the position due to the same stupid test that prevented me from being promoted.  So because of that I had another face to face with my upper supervisor who told me that she was not against promoting me but that I wasn't going to get anywhere with the current upper-upper management because she was all about sales and was sold that the test was GOD within the sales world and only what was on the test was taken into account.  So after the 20 minute meeting I told her that I was going to start looking outside of the company because it didn't seem like I would be going anywhere and a job at my current location was really not in my future.  The hours (until 8pm Monday-Friday and until 6p on Saturdays) just did not fit into my family life.  She said that she would keep her eye out for internal jobs and said that she would be looking to promote me.  (But apparently she's not the one that can do that...)

So I have applied for an internal reconcilement job that is in my pay range but still leaves me room to grow in the future.  But of course I haven't heard back from them.  Granted I applied for it on Monday but still.  I also applied for 2 jobs at other banks.  One a management job where I would be over my own branch and the other is an assistant branch manager but I know someone that works at that bank and he told me they start out much higher on the pay scale and they have really awesome benefits.  Soooo...I guess we shall see what happens.  I've already been contacted by the one for the manager job and I had to take a test.  It was very strange.  All computerized and I had 8 minutes to answer as many questions as I could out of 30.  They ranged from math questions to word questions.  I answered 27 of them.  So I have no idea about that one.  And my friend that worked at the other bank said he already has put in a good word for me with the manager that would be hiring me and the manager said he would be looking for my application. 

Really though...I am so nervous.  I haven't looked for a new job outside of the bank I work at now since 2004.  So this is a whole new ballgame for me!  I have been the one interviewing the people!  I also kind of want the job at the bank I'm at now only because it is away from "retail" and I would be working Monday-Friday 8-5 with no Saturdays.  How amazing would that be?!  I wouldn't know what to do with myself!  Plus the hubby works at the same bank (what you didn't know that?!) and works downtown currently so we would be able to carpool.  And no we wouldn't be in the same department so it wouldn't be crazy weird.  But still we would be able to eat lunch together if we wanted AND save money on gas.  So I'll keep you guys posted on what I hear.  I did tell both the outside banks I would be able to start January 9th or later.  That would let me give my current manager 2 weeks notice plus I would be in the new year so I would be entitled to my 3 weeks of vacation!  Woot woot!  That would be nice to use that money to...oh off all of my doctor's bills from giving birth.  Damn...I thought a tropical vacation might have been in my future.  Haha!

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