Friday, February 10, 2012

The honeymoon was just the beginning

Ahhh the honeymoon. When the wedding is over and you are finally introduced to the person you married. Am I right or am I right?! No I’m just kidding! My honeymoon was something of a strange encounter. We had recently bought a house so we didn’t have a lot of money to take a huge vacation. So we decided to take a quick trip up the road to Kansas City for a few days. But we went before the wedding because there was a concert that we wanted to go to. So we headed up there and met up with one of the groomsmen and his girlfriend and went to the concert and then the next day went to a Royals baseball game. On our way home from Kansas City we stopped in a nearby town and picked up another one of the groomsmen because him and his girlfriend only had 1 car and she couldn’t come down as early as he was. We had a really good time and it was nice to spend time with people we loved.

Now as a mom I’m a little jealous of all these pictures on Facebook and other blogs I see of amazing, HUGE honeymoons. So I have started planning a 10 year anniversary trip. We are trying to decide between Seattle or New York. Since we’re in the middle of the country we could go either way. I’ve never been to either place and he’s been to Seattle but either one would be awesome. I’m leaning towards Seattle but we shall see!

And make sure you go see Gretchen and all the other spinners and see where their honeymoons took them!


  1. Well, I've been to both places, and you can't go wrong with either. I haven't, however, been to Kansas City, so you've got me there! Seattle is beautiful and there's lots of outdoorsy stuff to do, while New York is the total opposite - bustling and full of life. Really, truly, everyone should go to NYC at least once in their life - so many famous places and amazing things to experience.

    You are linked!!

  2. NYC! NYC! Only because I love it so.
    John and I never took a true honeymoon either. We went to Hawaii before we were married so just did a weekend trip to St Augustine to say, "yeah, honeymoon, check." :-)

  3. I too live in the middle of the country and haven't visited either place. I always wanted to take a train ride to the west coast, perhaps you can do something like that.

  4. Oh, I hope you get to have your honeymoon! I've never been to Seattle, and would love to go there some day. NYC would be so fun! The shows, the!

  5. I vote for Seattle, in the summer. I lived in Kansas, and you will love Seattle in the summer, lol. For our 10th anniversary, we got our honeymoon. We took a cruise to Alaska, out of Seattle. Two for one.

  6. Seattle is awesome! Very laid-back, but so much to do!! You can ride a ferry and head across the sound. I used to live up there-sometimes you get really lucky and the local Puget Sound pod of orca whales are in the area. You can see them right from shore.
    When I got married a million years ago, we took a road trip to San Fran (from Seattle). It was fun...but not like a normal honeymoon. My ex-husband was from there and he didn't really want to do a lot of the touristy things. And we stayed with my in-laws (huge mistake).
    I love the idea of a 10 year honeymoon! It should happen every ten years! Best of luck.
