Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm a wordy your mouth

This week's spin cycle topic is words.  And Gretchen gave us all the leniency to do whatever we liked with it.  So for my journey into this post is how wordy I can be.  If you know me in real life you know that I like to talk.  A lot.  But only once you get to know me.  If you don't know me that well I don't talk a lot.  If you know me from my blog you know that I can go on and on for days about nothing. But I think that's what I really like about my blog is that I can go on and on and I don't care.  Because it's mine and if you don't want to read it you don't have to.  But this gives me a place to get it out there and use my creativity and what I like to do.  I went to school for advertising/marketing/PR and don't really get to use it that much at my job.  I also don't feel very artistic but this gives me a place to use what I think I am semi-talented at.  So here we are.  4 years later with a lot of blathering.  And people give me topics and I just run with them!  So thanks Gretchen for giving me something to talk about and letting my creative juices go!  We appreciate the guidance!!


  1. You are very welcome! My son is like you are. People will comment on how quiet he is, and I'll just stare at them. I mean, the kid NEVER SHUTS UP! But I guess he's not like that with everybody.

    You are linked!

  2. I totally get it. I'm like that, too!

  3. I happen to like your site the way it is! Sprite tends to be quiet when meeting someone new and they remark about how quiet she is. By the end of the visit, they're usually eating those words.

  4. People used to think I was shy, but I'm like you: once I get to know someone, I talk a lot. Probably too much, actually.

  5. Kind of reminds me of when I started a new job and someone said to me: "You seem awfully quiet", to which I replied: "Just you wait".

  6. I can be like that sometimes. And my mother-in-law is definitely wordy! Hahaha. This is a cute idea.
