Monday, August 27, 2012

What I did on my summer vacation (in pictures)

Gretchen asked me what did I do on my summer vacation?  So I figured the easiest way was to show her!  And if you want to tell us what you did make sure to link up for the spin cycle! (In no particular order...)
10 year reunion
At the Star Wars exhibit at the local children's museum
At Derby Days
Jacoby got tubes in his ears
He also turned 9 months (and 10 months!)
I got to see my bff twice.  Once for fun...the other for sad times.  But glad I got to see her none-the-less
Vacation!  At the Royals game!
At my friends birthday party.  We tie-dyed AND had ice cream.  A win-win!
We went to the zoo


  1. Everything summer should be (well, except for the ear tubes!) - lots of fun and friends!

    I'll link you by tonight! Thanks for being an early bird!
