Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I haven't done this in a while but there are a lot of things right now that I am loving.  So that makes this post so easy! :)  And make sure you go see Jamie and all the other people who are loving life this Wednesday!

**I am loving this awesome fall weather we are experiencing!  I went for a walk with the boys this evening and it was so nice!**
**I am loving that the NFL has started!!  My Sundays are gone from now until Super Bowl Sunday!  Even Leo knows.  He told me on Sunday that this week was a really big football Sunday because we watched the Chiefs, Redskins and Raiders.  Unfortunately...they all lost!**

**I am loving all the sweet fall clothes for little boys.  Even though I complain that there aren't that many cute clothes for boys, I always seem to find more than we need!  I've actually been REALLY good with Jacoby because I have hardly bought him any new clothes.  He is destined to grow up in his brother's shadow.  Er, I mean hand-me-downs!**

**I am loving how productive I have been lately.  I read an article about an increase in spiders and mice in our area so I have been extra vigilant about keeping the house picked up.  I even mopped on a Monday night after the boys went to bed.  Who am I and what did I do with Kendra?!**

**I am loving that our cafeteria at work has wi-fi.  I take my Kindle and catch up on shows that I don't get to watch during the week.  Or the same season for that matter.  I am completely caught up on Season 1 of the New Girl and almost finished with Whitney.  Both shows are hilarious.**

**I am loving that my bestie is coming into town this weekend and that we (including my hubby) are headed to a friend's wedding.  I'm so excited!**

Alright!  That is a lot of love and honestly there is more but I don't want you to think I've gone completely soft!  I hope everyone has an excellent Wednesday!

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