Friday, February 22, 2013

The Big Reveal

So.  You know how all the cool kids were commissioning Michele to paint a picture of theirs and turn it in to a masterpiece? Well I totally wanted to be one of those cool kids.  Actually, that's not totally true.  I will never be one of the cool kids.  But...I did know my hubby would think it was really rad to have a picture of him and Leo.  And I really wanted to do something speical for him because life has not gone exactly as planned recently. is the picture I used.  It is of him and Leo at Union Station in Kansas City.  I took it from behind (obviously) and I just thought it was so sweet.  Plus it captured just a really cool image of them. 
I sent Michele the picture in September.  The turn-around ended up being a little longer than expected due to her moving and we ran into the snag of a missing check but alls well that ends well!  We got the painting on Wednesday.  When it snowed over a foot!  But thankfully UPS didn't deliver it until we were home from work so it didn't have to sit outside in the elements.  And I was seriously giddy as a school girl when I gave the box to the hubby to open up.  He wasn't nearly as excited as I thought he might be.  But then again, he never really shows an extreme amount of emotion.  But I was STOKED!  I think it turned out amazing and am so happy that I decided to fork out the money for it. Also, my wheels are now turning to try to find a picture of Jacoby to have her do.  But he is still so young so we don't have a lot of candid shots of him. is the final product.  Amazing right?  Yay!



  1. Sweet pic. I found your post from the Aloah Hop/Friday Free for All from Stacy Uncorked.

  2. Definitely love it and I would have had a big reaction to it too!
