Tuesday, April 16, 2013

RTT: Candy Crush, Dignity and Ladders

It's been awhile since I've posted on Random Tuesday Thoughts. And since I'm trying to find more things to blog about I've actually been trying to think of posts before I post them. Such a novel idea. And since I know that RTT is coming I can prepare. Which is why I'm technically writing this on Sunday and it will magically post on Tuesday. Ahhh the power of the interwebs!

I have officially become that person that is semi-obsessed with a game on Facebook. I love Candy Crush. I had to tell Leo that he is not allowed to play my Candy Crush because I don't want him wasting my turns. I don't pay for stuff so I have to wait for my lives to rejuvenate and if he's playing them then they're gone before I get to play. I told him I don't play Marvel Avengers and use his turns so he can't play my Candy Crush.

My dignity has also been lost to my child when it comes to the restroom. I try to teach him to not announce when he has to use the restroom and to just go. Especially when we're at home. I also do the same. I do not announce when I have to use the restroom. But of course when you only have one bathroom that is not always possible. And of course the moment it hits you and you have to go RIGHT THEN is the moment they're dilly-dallying after you've asked them to take a bath. Or brush their teeth. Or do anything in the restroom that at that point you want them to be anywhere but there. So of course they want to know what you're doing. And why you're rushing them out. Gotta love'em!

The hubby was doing some housework the other day and I was helping steady the ladder. I saw the stupidest picture on the ladder and wanted to share it with you. But of course I was helping so I didn't have my phone. It was basically a picture that said to not step past the 3rd to last step. Which made me wonder why they even put steps that go higher if they don't want you to use them. And does that picture really prevent people from not going up any higher? Probably not because I sure have stepped on the next step up. Please don't report me to the police!

The house across the street from us is for sale. Again. I swear in the 9 years we've lived in our house the house has had multiple owners/renters and been for sale at least 3 times. It has 3 bedrooms and 1 1/2 baths. It also has a basement. In comparison our house has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and no basement. It is selling for $55,000. It annoys me when houses like that go for sale for so cheap. I get why and with the economy but for real. It really puts a damper on us wanting to try to put our house back on the market. (For our area and for houses around that size they are selling between $80,000-$90,000 just FYI)

I've seen quite a few people doing weekly update posts using their pictures from Instagram. And I really like that idea so I'm going to totally start doing that. Which means if you follow me on Instagram and my blog then you're going to see duplicates. Also, you're going to probably see a lot more random pictures than you already do!

I have been CRAVING ice cream since Lent. My plan was that as soon as Easter hit then I would get some ice cream. But that was about 2 weeks ago and I've yet to have ice cream. It is a little ridiculous. Part of it is that the Braums in our town does not have a drive through and I am lazy and hate going inside to get my food. But they are building a new one in our town with a drive through and I am so excited. Obviously I will get my ice cream fix before it is a built (I hope!) but I am definitely looking forward to it.

Ok, that is definitely enough random for you guys. But make sure you go visit Stacy and all the other randomers today!

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