Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A (not normal) day in the life

Today was a strange day. Stranger than normal even which is saying a lot! But I've seen some day in the life posts and thought this would be fun. Understand that this is not completely normal and that my day will start last night and end now while I'm blogging so here goes...

8:45 PM: Finally get Leo to bed (even though it was supposed to be an early bedtime of 8). Apparently fall immediately to sleep.

9:40 PM: Hear Leo frantically yelling for me from somewhere. I assume he has fallen out of bed so wait haphazardly for him to come in crying to us. (Welcome mother of the year award)

9:41 PM: Hear the hubby telling me to get up and that can't I hear Leo hollering for me. Finally get up and find him heaving in the bathroom. He's crying and doesn't feel well (Obviously)

9:45 PM: Find the mess of vomit in his room on his bedspread. Take said bedspread off to realize the puke has transferred to the sheets and the mattress. Hooray! Time for laundry.

9:48 PM: Text my dad and let him know Leo probably won't be going to Latchkey in the morning and discuss whether or not he can/wants to watch Leo at all (his idea, not mine).

9:50 PM: Put the laundry in the washing machine, realize that a trail was dripped from the bedroom to the bathroom to the washer. Get out the mop and clean the trail.

9:51 PM: Get Leo back to bed (in clean sheets!) with a bucket by his side.

10:00 PM: Get back in my own bed.

5:45 AM: Alarm goes off. Snooze for another 10 minutes.

5:55 AM: Get up and go snuggle with Leo for a few minutes and see if he feels any better. Decide to let him stay home and get some rest and not have to be in the heat today. Let him stay in bed and in his jammies. Pack a bag with "quiet time" activities and clean clothes and socks and shoes.

6:10 AM: Head in to Jacoby's room because I hear him talking to himself. Get his diaper changed and get him dressed. Take him to the living room so he can snack on some cereal and drink some milk before daycare. Turn on the cartoons.

6:20 AM: Get in the shower. Get ready for work.

6:55 AM: (Yes I can get myself ready in about 30 minutes...I pretty much rock) Walk out the door.

7:00 AM: Drop Leo off at my dad's. Make plans to pick him up around 2 so he can get to work but still letting me go to work for a bit to get stuff taken care of.

7:20 AM: Drop Jacoby off at daycare.

7:43 AM: Clock in to work (Supposed to be there by 7:45...2 minutes to spare!)

7:43 AM-1:30 PM: Boring work stuff. Just take care of some business and skip lunch to head out the door.

1:55 PM: Get to dad's and pick up Leo. Also, pick up the tornado of toys that was strewn about the house.

2:05 PM: Get Leo situated with the Xbox remote and some 7-UP. Head outside to mow the grass so the hubby doesn't have to. A FREE Father's Day present! :)

2:45 PM: Head inside drenched in sweat. It was at least 97 degrees outside. Most of our front yard is shaded by big, old trees but the time in the sun was killer. The car temperature said 100 still at 8 tonight.

2:47 PM: Drink big glass of water and hit the shower.

3:00 PM: Read 2 chapters in Captain Underpants with Leo.

3:10 PM: Get Leo in the bath so we don't have to do it that night.

3:30 PM: Sit down to watch 'Walking with Beasts' with Leo on Netflix. Dose off for about 15 minutes.

3:45 PM: Get up to start prepping for dinner. Tonight is taco night so I cooked the ground beef.

4:05 PM: Walk out the door to get Mr. Jacoby. We only have 1 car right now (mine is not working and we are needing to get it fixed but...excuses, excuses, excuses)

4:20 PM: Get Jacoby from daycare

4:45 PM: Get the hubby from work

5:00 PM: Start working on a puzzle with Leo

5:45 PM: Got distracted by Leo so the rest of dinner didn't happen until now. Chop lettuce, grate cheese, slice tomato, finish dinner.

6:30 PM: Get Jacoby in the bath while the hubby cleans up the kitchen and starts laundry.

7:00 PM: Get phone call from grandma. Chat for a bit

7:15 PM: Get Jacoby in bed, get Leo settled in to our room to watch some TV with his dad while I run to the grocery store.

7:55 PM: Get home, tell Leo lights out when his show is over and get on computer.

8:32 PM: Now. Finishing up blog post. Going to read a couple chapters in my book (Angels and Demons by Dan Brown)

Between 9:30 and 10 PM: Get to bed. I try to be asleep by 10 since I have to get up so early. While to some this seems ridiculous but my body literally needs at least 8 hours of sleep. My doctor has even told me there are people like this so I'll trust him on it.

So yeah, a completely un-normal day in my life. I feel like all I accomplished I could do pretty well as a stay-at-home mom/wife. I'm not saying this would happen every day but if it happened 3 days a week I would be happy! I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my life!

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