Tuesday, July 23, 2013

RTT: The Royal Baby, Kindle Books and Funny Stuff

Yay! Monday is over and now it's Tuesday. One day closer to the weekend! Woo hoo!

The Royal Baby was born yesterday. It was a boy. Also, should royal and baby be capitalized? Like it is now a proper noun? I really didn't care that much other than a friend of mine was obsessed when the wedding happened and so I've been inundating her Facebook page with stupid posts about when it was supposed to be born, what they're going to name him, etc. It's been fun to interact with her since she lives in North Dakota now getting her master's degree.

Do you have a Kindle? I do and very rarely buy books because a) you don't technically own the books you buy and they can take them away at any given time and b) because I don't feel right when I can get almost any book for free from the library and am paying $10+ for a book. So when one of my friends told me about Pixel of Ink I wanted to check it out. You can like them on Facebook or just go to their website and sign up to get daily emails and they will send you information regarding a number of free e-books that you can get daily. Now these books aren't bestsellers by any means but there are usually 1 or 2 good books every day. I have been turned on to so many books that I would never have heard of. One I just finished on Friday was called The Do-Over by Kathy Dunnehoff. It was hilarious.

They are moving people around at work in the aspect of work space area. So today I got to move into a bigger area with a window that looks down on the road. I'm so excited! Now I'm not smack-facing a big, tall building. And I have enough space to hang up pictures. The one thing I'm most excited about though? The fact that my back isn't towards the aisle where people walk by. Now I'll be able to see people coming instead of them being able to sneak up on me and see what I'm doing! It's the little things!

Leo and I were watching the Royals game last night and there was a Dos Equis commercial and right at the right time he said the part "Stay Thirsty My Friend." It was hilarious. And of course then he started laughing and telling me it was his favorite part and how he thought that was so silly. He is such a clown!

I posted the other day about getting older. Mainly because I was talking to my friend the other day about turning 30 next year. She wants to plan a 30th birthday trip. I'm down with that. I don't see her near enough so that would be amazing! We're thinking Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. I think that would be about half-way between Chicago and Wichita. Definitely do-able!

Ok that is enough random for today. Go see Stacy and all the other randomers and make sure you write up some random of your own!


  1. I love finding free books for my Kindle. You can find them on Amazon under Kindle books, kindle best sellers. THere is usually an option for best sellers free. Sorted by genre and everything. I check it daily. It's an addiction.

  2. Aaahh! Thank you for sharing that site about the ebooks! I rarely use my kindle because I can't justify spending the $$ on some of those books! Can't wait to check this out!
