Tuesday, July 16, 2013

RTT: Some Real Random Rebellion

Hallo! It's Tuesday. Time for some Random!!

I went tanning last night and I came up with some really random stuff so it works perfect for this. See...random already!
If you follow me on Twitter you may notice that I like to put businesses on blast if they do something that annoys me. But they have to do something totally awesome for me to tweet good things about them. Maybe that's a really bad way to go about things but I'm not going to be like, Yay Target. I'm so glad you had what I was looking for. It's much easier to find the negative. Yeah. That's definitely a bad way to look at things. I doubt I'll change anything anytime soon though.

I saw that Orange is the New Black is now a show on Netflix. I would really like to watch it. I downloaded it on my Kindle awhile ago but never got a chance to read it. I feel like I should before I watch the show.

On the subject of Netflix...they never seem to have any of the movies I want to watch available for instant viewing. But they have pretty much every TV in the history of TV available. Don't they realize I do not have time to just binge watch? I have a very limited amount of time to watch anything that is not relatively kid-friendly so it would take me ages to watch all the shows that I want.

We have had some slight (ok...that is the understatement of the year but that's a different post for a different day) behavioral issues with Leo lately and it is killing me for two reasons. One-because I know he is better than he is acting and two-because Jacoby is watching him and picking up these bad habits. Like hitting, throwing things, etc. I need to find a way to curb both of their problems and fast!

Megan over at Mackey Madness wrote a post yesterday about the mom she never thought she would be. It really struck a cord with me because having kids changes everything you ever thought your life would be. She writes a lot of really good posts and if you don't follow her you should.

I have really been in a food cooking rut. We haven't been going out to eat but no one wants to eat what I cook. So in turn in makes me want to cook less. So last night I didn't eat dinner and just ate some cereal. I'm so healthy.

Mmkay. That is enough random for now. Go visit Stacy and show some love to the randomers and write your post and link up as well!


  1. I'm having issues cooking meals lately. I make the same old things and half the time, I ask my husband to cook. I blame being pregnant though!

  2. Thanks for the shout out!! I haven't really been cooking either. We just end up snacking or eating random things. Haha.
