Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hoppy Easter

Easter this year was pretty darn good! The Easter Bunny came and went. He left a few treats for the boys and went on his merry way. Jacoby got a "big boy" Lego and a bubble wand and Leo got a Minecraft zombie novel (yeah-they exist) and a Skylanders trap. And they each got a few eggs filled with jelly beans.

Leo lost electronics for the month earlier this week and the first thing he says to me when he sees his basket is that the Easter Bunny must have known that he lost them. Haha.

We headed to mass and then attended the Easter egg hunt that the Knights of Columbus hosts. Jacoby hit the jackpot and Leo ever the drama king was crying because he ended up on the bottom of a big kid pileup trying for the golden egg. Luckily his ankle wasn't broken ;) and we kept moving our day along.

After the hunt we headed over to my aunt and uncle's house for lunch and another hunt for my cousin's daughter and my boys. We also played a rousing game of Sorry. Or perhaps the longest game ever because we played with a 3, 5 and 8 year old. Yeesh!

All in all it was a pretty great day. I hope you all had a great Easter too!

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