Tuesday, April 7, 2015

RTT: Weather Report, Working and GOT

Another week, another Tuesday. What what! So let’s get to randoming…

We are supposed to get severe weather tomorrow. With no basement for my Kansas-living self I always have to be a little more prepared than others. Thankfully in this day and age we usually have a pretty good amount of time before the storm “hits.” But because they’ve been warning us about this system that is supposed to move through tomorrow afternoon I am wanting to be extra prepared. So I think I’m going to see if my mom will be home and just go take the boys and chill over there. We can play games, eat dinner and watch TV. Then, if the storm comes, we can head to the basement. Win-win. 

Every year around spring I get this urge…to not go to work. Not so much because I don’t want to work, but mainly because I could find so many better other things I could be doing. Like sitting outside reading a book. Or not working. I just need to get past this hump so I can get my mind back in the game.

Game of Thrones starts this Sunday. *squeeeee*

Bobcat Pawlooza is this weekend. Hallelujah! I am co-chairing the spring carnival and it is finally here. I am so ready for it to be done with. Not that it hasn’t been fun. Just time consuming.

Why is it so hard to stay on task when dieting? I mean, really. It shouldn’t be this difficult. And yet it is. Come on body. Work with me!

That’s all my random today. Throw down your random and link up with Stacy. It’ll be fun. I promise!


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