Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wicked Awesome

I went to see Wicked last night and it just was awesome! I went with my mom, my grandma, my sister-in-law and my aunt/god-mother. We had a wonderful time. I will say that I know I am a nerd but never have I thought I was this much of a nerd. I have decided I am a music theater nerd. Not the ones that want to be doing music theater but the ones that love it. I borrowed the soundtrack from my mom and I have been listening to it all week and then last night at the show my heart was just happy because the lights, the costume, the music, the voices all just made me so happy. I wish I could bottle that feeling because that is a vast difference from what I have been feeling lately. I'm not exactly sure why I'm unhappy but lately I just have been. It's like I got a case of the moondays without it always being a Monday. I don't know why...oh well. Last night more than made up for it! SO thanks mom for the ticket! It made my month!

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