Monday, February 21, 2011

Memoir Monday: Family Fun Weekend

Memoir Monday

My weekends have been going really well the last few weeks. This weekend was no different.

Got off work (Woo hoo!)
Picked up my mom and Leo to go to the park
Went to the store and got 93/7 ground beef on sale for super cheap.
Got home and made super-delicious taco salads.

Went to work (my least favorite part of the weekend!)
After work went to my aunts house for a family birthday party where I got to see my favorite Kansas City aunt and her family that Leo is in LOVE with! Also got to eat a lot of delicious food and spend time with my Derby family! I love them too!

Made cinnamon rolls
Went to church
Went to lunch with my KC aunt and uncle and their kids to celebrate Leo's birthday which is this week. They aren't able to make it into town again next weekend to come to his actual birthday party so we went to McDonalds so the kids could play and then open his present.
Went to the library and got the next 2 books in the Bones series. I'm on books 6 and 7.
Picked up my mom and took her and Leo to the zoo.
Made a quick dinner of sloppy joes and enjoyed the rest of my evening!

Even though I work at a bank I will have to be working tomorrow because our branches are open to be more convenient for our customers so I don't even get a 2-day weekend. But that's ok! I'm ready to get this week over with so I can party-hardy at Leo's birthday party next weekend and hopefully the weather stays nice so the hubby's family can come in from out of town! I hope everyone else had an awesome weekend! Happy President's day!

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