Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Loving

It's been awhile since I've linked up with Jamie for What I Love Wednesday but thought that this is what my week needs. Because who doesn't get happier thinking about what they love?!

A few things that I love that aren't picture related...

I love how selfless my aunt and uncle have been for the past 20ish years to have my grandma and grandpa live with them. Last weekend marked a bittersweet time for them (or so I assume) because my grandparents moved into a nursing home. So yeah. They're pretty much awesome.

I love the show Big Brother. This season has been FULL of drama but that is a whole post within itself that I am trying to find the right words to post. But right now all I have to say is I love it. I do NOT love the fact that it seems like everyone in the house is gunning for a showmance. They've known each other for a few short weeks and they just L-O-V-E each other. Sick.

I also have gotten hooked on Under the Dome. I now want to read the book but it makes me wonder if it's scary like his other books. Some of them are not so scary but others...freak me out!

I love my Target brand Bomb Pops. Nom nom!

Jacoby's ridiculous "cheese" face. He literally says cheese when I ask to take his picture.

Leo the Muscleman


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