Thursday, April 29, 2010
That's how I role
But I digress. The main roles I play on a daily basis are: wife, mother, daughter, employee, boss, co-worker and customer service person. Whoo. That's a lot of roles I play. And of course, in every role that I play there are sub-divisions.
As for the wife, that one's not to difficult because my hubby and I are pretty lax in our lives with each other. We try to keep each other informed on what's going on in our day to day lives but we don't ask each other for permission to do things (outside of I'm going to do something right now, is it cool if I leave the monkey with you?) and we kind of just live with each other. There is obviously more intricate parts of our relationship but I'm not going to get into it here.
Mother is probably the most detailed because I have to be on the ball with everything with Leo. Is he fed? Is he dressed? Is he where he's supposed to be? Crap, did I leave him at home this morning or did the hubby take him to school? Who's going to pick him up? Who's going to feed him? Bathe him? Put him to bed? Read him a book? The list goes on and on and most of the people that read this have children so they know what it is like to be in this role. Day after day. And no one wants to change it for the world. And I am right there with them. He's finally pretty much potty trained so we are just dealing with the attitude and I'm ok with that. If we can get rid of it now it won't (hopefully) come back to bite us in the teenage years. Yeah right!
Daughter is probably the easiest role because my mom makes it so easy! I just get to sit and be a daughter. It's nice to be pampered every once in awhile! THanks mom!
And of course the work roles. Those are boring, but they get a lot of my day. Can I do this, is this right? Can I help you? On and on and on.
So those are the roles I play. Do you want to play with me?! To see other peoples take on roles head over to
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
So I read Chelsea Handler's Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. It's her third book she's written but the first one I've read. She's really crass and even though she's super famous she seems really cool. I won't say down to earth because she freaking took her chauffer (sp?) on a vacation with her and her friends and family. And honestly, who does that? But it would be cool to get into her circle because even though some of the stuff she does is ridiculous (like trick her boyfriend into thinking she killed her friends dog accidentally and then planning a big prank to get her boyfriend to believe said murder) it would be fun to be around that on a daily basis. I deal with stuff like that anyways with the hubby...some of the stuff he comes up with is ridiculous...but at least I'd be making a lot of money!
So back to the book...I think the best story that she told involved her dad renting out his house on the beach. A letter sent to her father about the condition of the house and then Chelsea having to go in and tell her father that he needed to refund them money because it was a horrible experience is so funny. And funny in an, "oh my gosh, did that really happen because if it did that is disgusting" sort of way. But I suggest people who like to read about rich people and the crazy things that they do go out and read this book. I am going to try to get her other books from the library so that should be more entertainment!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
New fiction
Here is a synopsis from (
From Publishers Weekly
In Brown's withering Silicon Valley satire, a family wakes up on a June day to realize that patriarch Paul's company has hit the big time with a phenomenal IPO. But instead of rejoicing about being newly rich, the family's three women each find themselves in the throes of a major crisis. Paul has fled with his new amour, who happens to be wife Janice's tennis partner. Desperate housewife Janice discovers the soothing power of the pool boy's drug stash and sinks into addiction and denial. Meanwhile, 20-something daughter Margaret learns the price of living a Hollywood lifestyle on an artsy hipster's budget—gargantuan credit card debt. Finally, 14-year-old Lizzie wades deeper and deeper into a sea of adolescent trouble without an adult to confide in. From the ashes of their California dreams, the three must learn to talk to each other instead of past each other, and build a new, slightly more realistic existence—but not without doses of revenge and hilarity. Brown's hip narrative reads like a sharp, contemporary twist on The Corrections.
I just finished Chelsea Handler's "Chelsea Chelsea Boom Boom" and I'll be writing about it tomorrow, but when I take it back to the library I will be picking up a copy of All We Ever Wanted Was Everything. Hopefully it is everything I hoped for. Haha...I'm sorry. That was a horrible play on words. If my husband were here he would put the car crash on for that joke! And speaking of books...I really want a Kindle. How awesome would that be? I could just download the books to it and I wouldn't even have to go to the library! Awesome!
*30-day challenge: Fictional book*
Monday, April 26, 2010
Days of summer
And the food that goes with grilled goodness. Also amazing. Have I mentioned how amazing all this food is?! But seriously. With our pork chops we had corn on the cob and baked potatoes. And tonight, with our chicken we are having deviled eggs and cheesy, roasted garlic potatoes. mouth is watering just typing this! And we're not big people that change the types of food we eat that often, but if you have a great recipe for the grill...especially for kabobs or veggies let me know because that is definitely something I am wanting to try this year!
I am counting this as my "whatever tickles my fancy" post for my 30 day challenge. I hope everyone is enjoying the effort I am putting into my blog lately!
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weight Watchers Week 7
Last week: 150.6
This week: 148.4
Weight loss for the week: 2.2 pounds!
Total weight loss in the last 7 weeks: 11.4 pounds!
So I am continuing to see a weight loss which I am definitely digging but I know that I need to continue to stay motivated. Or at least, if not motivated at least force myself to continue on the fight. Because I know I need it!
Friday, April 23, 2010
A long time ago
My little baby
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Far, Far Away
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Family Photo
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today’s Tuesday so that means random. And while most I spew is random today is even more random than most days!
I made 30 enchiladas over the weekend for my mom’s birthday dinner tonight. My fingertips are burnt so there is extra padding on the pads. It makes the keyboard feel weird!
I have been trying really hard to stay on point with this whole weight watchers thing but 1 meal can really screw everything up. I try to eat cheap and Wendy’s double stack for a dollar is delicious. But it’s also 19 points. That’s almost my whole day. Oh well. You can’t win them all!
I’m also being a creep when it comes to food time because I’m obsessed with the whole points thing. I am bringing my own chips to the fiesta tonight for mom’s birthday. I bought baked Tostitos so I can eat more than the other kinds of chips that might be available. I don’t know why because I’m sure I’ll go over my points again when the ice cream cake is busted from the freezer. Ahhhh ice cream cakes!
I started doing the 30-day shred again. Holy cow. My body is sore from doing it 2 days in a row. But I’m gonna stick with it because I have 2 upcoming weddings and 1 is a high school friend and I want the other girls to see I look good. Haha. So shallow but so true! I don’t want to be the fat girl anymore! The weddings are in June so I have 1.5 months to get this butt into shape!
And on the above note…is it bad that my 3yo is telling me I am doing the moves wrong? I can’t do the “jump-rope” move they do so I just hop back and forth from one foot to the other. Still moving my arms and legs but not like the trainers. Well Leo decides to tell me that I am doing it wrong and that they jump off of both feet. I told him to be quiet and let mommy sweat in peace. Kids these days!
I am still having trouble with his little temper-tantrums. I am hoping that he is normal but last night I was trying to get him to go to the bathroom (because he’s been doing amazing with the potty training, thanks!) but he didn’t want to. I told him his choices were a) go to the bathroom and just try or b) go to timeout. Well he chose option C where he would throw a screaming fit while I tried to corral him into his room. I eventually won, but while he was in timeout he decided to tell us he needed to go to the bathroom. I told him he needed to wait until his timeout was done (which was in 5 minutes) and he proceeded to tell us he was going to go. So he did. On. The. Floor. It was awful. But I won a battle with myself. I never raised my voice during the whole ordeal. I actually lowered it to try to defuse the situation. The only time I raised my voice was after he had been in his room for over 3 hours when he was supposed to be going to bed but he wouldn’t . He kept yelling out to me and finally I told him I had had enough. The only reason I was so mad was because see below…
We have had 3 roaches in our house in the last 2 weeks. They are not the tiny german roaches that multiply like the dickens but I still don’t like them. And I have even been more focused on keeping the house clean and no food left out and no dishes laying around. 2 have been in the bathroom and the other was in the dining/kitchen area. We have had some in the bathroom before but we also have a giant tree outside the window and we have been told they are tree roaches and they don’t even want to be inside the house. They will accidentally come in but would rather be outside. And the one in the dining room last night looked similar to the others (it was too fast, I couldn’t kill it) and we do have a sliding glass door next to the table, so it’s possible it is the same kind but it is disgusting. And I don’t understand why they are coming in. Just leave us the hell alone. I don’t want you inside my house. You are filthy and even the devil doesn’t like you and that’s why he made you so indestructible (or I’m sure that’s why they can’t be killed!). So final say. Just leave me alone.
I will end my random on another reason I have been unhappy. My TV turned on on Sunday and it gave us a message that said that the projection bulb will need to be replaced soon. Yeah, the TVs 3 years old. It shouldn’t need to be replaced yet and I don’t have $300 laying around. So we’re just waiting and hoping the TV turns on to a picture each time we push the power button. So stupid.
So, yeah. If you want some more random check out Keely over at
(and I am so using this as my day 6 of the challenge…today’s challenge was “whatever tickles my fancy.” And if this doesn’t qualify for that I don’t know what does!
Monday, April 19, 2010
You Get What You Get
Last week I talked in my spin cycle I talked about the things my son says. And Jen over at Sprites Keeper talked about her daughter. Her daughter came home saying "You get what you get..." and I had heard that saying from my boss whose son had learned it at his daycare. The saying I heard goes: You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. I think these are good words to live by. I have been blessed with a family that I love. My husband and I both have jobs and we are able to keep a roof over our heads and food on our table (or tv tray, depending on the night!). Although I know other people who have more than we do I have decided recently that I should (and will) be happy with what I have.
I get frustrated a lot when I see people receive things that, even if they deserve them, I do not have the same. Some people would call it jealousy. Some days I do, some days I don't. But it frustrates me because I just think, why them? Why not me? Why don't I have a trust fund? Why couldn't my parents afford to pay for my college? And although I am not blaming my parents in any way because I had more than most people growing up (and I've told my parents thank you multiple times) I just think that I have lived a "good" life and sometimes I wish those things I could have. So while this may seem like an entitled post, or kind of snotty post, it's more like an epiphany. I am deciding that today is my day to change my attitude. Sometimes I do have a bad attitude about people. I'm sure those people that receive those things that I want deserved them so I should in no way be upset at them. It's not their fault. So today is the day that I am pointing the finger back at me and saying I get what I get and I don't throw a fit. I will be the one directing my destiny. I will be the one making things happen for me. I will be the one that if I don't get something I can be upset at myself or no one at all because it's no one else's fault or no one else's job to give me something. I am not entitled to anything. And I guess the reality of it is, I have enough. I am just being greedy and that is a no-no. I try to teach my son every day that he has plenty. That just because he wants something doesn't mean he's going to get it. And I'm glad I'm teaching him that. I just need to re-teach myself that lesson!
So, if you've made it this far, I hope that you see that even though I am a sometimes greedy, selfish person I'm trying to change for the better. And I'm sure everyone has days that we all feel that way about someone or something. So just keep in get what you get and you don't throw a fit!
To see other posts about quotable quotes check out Jen over at
To Kill a Mockingbird
I really don't know what age market this book is targeted towards but with the amount of books today that are out there for young people I think this would be an ideal book for parents to push on their kids. There are many lessons to be learned from this book. Of course, just being a good person to people less fortunate than you is a main focus in the book. Also, being able to walk in someone else's shoes before judging someone is another. And like I said above, just the message portrayed from Atticus to his kids, that just setting a good example is a life lesson that anyone can follow no matter the time period.
So, again, like with my movie review, I am not the best reviewer so you should check out the book for yourself! I'm sure most people have, but if you haven't then you should. And if you have, pick it up again. This post has definitely made me want to re-read it to re-remember the reasons I love it!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Too much TV is good for the brain
Right now I have two favorite, favorite TV shows. The top one is Bones. It is amazing and the eye candy isn’t bad either! Booth and Brennan, playing out their lives with each other but without each other. It is heartbreaking to watch him yearn for her when she doesn’t want it the same way he does. Just finishing the 100th episode last week was hard because *spoiler alert* at the end of the episode it has Booth kissing Brennan and asking her to give them a try. She pushes him away and says that he was always trying to protect her, but with them not being together is ultimately protecting him because she can’t love him like he needs/wants to be loved. And then the heartbreaking fade-away after he tells her he can’t wait any longer for her. I wanted to cry because they just need to be together. But outside of the sexual tension there are other great factors about the show. The banter between all the different characters makes the show great as well. Between Hodgins and Angela (where more sexual tension lies) and then of course between Booth and Dr. Sweets and between Booth and all the squints. It makes good television. Sometimes the crime scenes make me a little queasy though because I don’t need to see all that! Overall the show is awesome and I recommend this show to anyone with a DVR or a television or a library card where you can rent videos!
The other show that I am digging on independently is Modern Family. Every episode I laugh out loud. Between the dorkiness of the dad with the teenage daughter, to the gay couple that has one extremely feminine male to the patriarch of the family who is a man’s man with a new wife and a young step-son. There are always one-liners that are so funny. Last night’s episode had one of the teenage daughters embarrassed to be seen with her mom at the mall, but then using that to try to sucker her into money and her mom embarrassing her on purpose because she (the daughter) was purposely trying to screw with her (the mom). It was funny. I’m glad my mom never did that to me! Again, this is definitely a show you should check out if you don’t mind awkward moments and you love to laugh. I think the best part of this show is that it is just 30 minutes. Sometimes I don’t have an hour to allow to watch the show so this one I can sit and watch it quickly without worrying about other things I need to be doing.
And finally two shows that I watch with Leonard that we both enjoy.
How I Met Your Mother is so funny. The characters are funny and the situations that they get themselves into are even funnier. Neil Patrick Harris makes the show though. The other show that we watch together is Scrubs. Again, funny characters, funny situations. We have been watching this show separately from the beginning. We weren’t together when this show came on originally and then when we got together we realized that we both loved the show. We even had a class that was during the same time so we had to VCR it because we didn’t have a DVR. Then the show got cancelled and moved from NBC to ABC and the final season on NBC was not that great. So then we were leery to follow it to ABC. We watched it and the season/series ended beautifully. I still cry when I watch that episode. But then this year they started the series as two of the main characters from the original show as teachers at the hospital and the new main characters are actual med students. It was hard to get into at first and mesh with the characters but towards the end of the season it got better. So hopefully there was enough of a following to bring it back for another season as well!
All of the above shows are shows you should watch. I watch all of them regularly and hope they don’t go off the air anytime soon!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Breakfast at Tiffany's

So just a quick one today about my favorite movie, but if you haven’t seen it you should definitely check it out!
Friday, April 16, 2010
30-Day Challenge
So day 1 is my favorite song.
Hrrmmmm…Favorite song. That is an extremely tough topic. I have so many favorite songs. But I guess my favorite song that I can think of that is not just a current, passing trend is Overkill by Men At Work. I first heard this song on Scrubs on the episode “My Overkill.” Colin Hay (the lead singer for Men at Work) was the street performer that followed JD around all day singing this song as it pertained to his life. Just the lyrics are classic. “I can’t get to sleep, I think about the implication. Of diving in too deep. It’s just overkill.” This is me on a daily basis. There are always issues going on in my daily life that get me to over-think everything. And I don’t even know the true meaning of the song to Colin Hay, but to me it fits perfectly.
Scrubs has brought a lot of good songs to light. They had the amazing song Hallelujah on their and they have had episodes based around specific songs. There was even an episode where JD in his head talks about a Fray song and he says, no not that Fray song, this one. Just having someone else have music constantly going through their head makes me feel a little bit more normal!
Here is a link to the song so you can listen to it yourself! Enjoy!
Weight Watchers Week 6
Starting: 159.8
Last week: 152.4
This week: 150.6
Down 1.8 pounds for the week, 9.2 pounds overall!
That's pretty dang exciting for me! I really would have like to push it to 149.8 so I can say I've lost 10 pounds but 9 is fine for me! And I have 4 weeks left to lose the additional 3 to get my reimbursement so I am continuing on my path. I've really been thinking hard about setting a goal that I am looking to achieve overall. And looking at my chart for height and ideal goal, the top weight is 137 pounds. I think I would like my weight to be at 130 pounds. So basically I have 20 pounds left to lose and I know it will be a tough journey but ideally (and realistically) I think 130 pounds will be the best for me.
So overall...great week! I will be keeping my momentum and knowing that I can achieve my goal! have a great day!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I can barely think for this
I have been eating healthier so I have been much crankier lately. I just want some freaking good food. I don’t want to count calories. Or points. I think I am in my rebellious phase of dieting. If my dieting cycle were like a life cycle I would be in my teenage years. Stupid teenage hormones.
The monkey has been like a little hellion one day and the next the sweetest angel. I was reading up online about tantrums and kids and there is some crazy stuff out there. One “advisor” said that it is not normal for kids to be having tantrums at age 3 and they should be taken to their doctor to see if counseling or follow-up procedures are needed. Another person trying to get some help said her daughter was a sweet kid but she was “spirited”. Like one minute she was fine but the next she had too much energy and it caused her to act out. I’ve never heard of anyone calling their kid spirited in the sense like that. When I was reading it I thought she was talking about her kid could talk to the spirits. And finally, my favorite. The parent whose 9 year old is still throwing tantrums. I will definitely not be blogging if my son is 9 and still throwing tantrums because I will have to be carted off to the looney bin because I will not be able to handle that.
I went to hell Wal-Mart the other day after a horrible day with the monkey. It was about 6pm on a Sunday night and I looked like the walking dead. I’m glad I didn’t see anyone I knew because I looked horrible, I felt emotionally horrible and I didn’t want to deal with anyone. I had called my dad on the way their to tell him to let my mom know I wouldn’t be walking with her that night and I almost started crying. What can I say. Your parents can bring out the emotions that you can’t bring out at home.
Work has been ridiculous lately. I don’t know if everyone got their tax return money or what but we have been so busy. I can’t seem to keep up with everything that is going on. I’m sure that is helping my sleepless nights.
The other day my kid kicked me out of my own bed. He was hogging my side so I went out in the living room to sleep and guess what? He found me. At 5 in the freaking morning. Ridiculous. It was bad enough I couldn’t even sleep in my own bed, let alone getting woke up way to damn early for a Sunday. Ridiculous.
A little music thing that has been annoying me lately. Everyone puts their name in their song. I don't care who sings it. I don't buy music. I don't need to know your name! And the new Usher song 'OMG'. Stupid. I don't even like using the text words like that and LOL and other things like that. Don't name your song that. And the new Demi Moore/Miley Cyrus movie is named LOL. Oh dear.
I guess that is probably enough random today. To see more check out the best random in town…Keely over at
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The way we use our words
This week’s spin cycle is about words. So today I will give you a few gems my 3-year-old uses and the context sometimes surrounding his words!
When I asked him the other day if he wanted fish sticks or chicken nuggets he told me he wanted chickaladas. Apparently he decided he wanted enchiladas instead of the choices I gave him!
When at the zoo last week he continuously told me, whoa this is awesome. It was so cute to hear him talking like a big kid!
At the park I told him he could climb the toy by himself but I needed to be by him in case he started to fall. And he told me he wasn’t going to bump his noggin!

The other day when his dad was getting after him to put his crap away (in dad’s words) Leo decided to be cute (read: Not cute) and said I’m not gonna put my crap away.
He also has started saying ga-ga head. Which we think he is actually trying to say ca-ca head. I’m guessing he learned this at school because I know we don’t say that word.

ALVIN—shouting like Dave from Alvin and the Chipmunks
Whenever we get into the car he always yells, “seatbelts buckled like the Little Einsteins.” At least this one has taught him a valuable lesson!
And how can I forget the most famous line in our house currently. It comes from the movie Little Giants. “You can’t pitch to Johnny. I’m Johnny.” He thinks that this is the funniest thing in the world and whenever he says it he busts up laughing!

Saturday, April 10, 2010
5-5 Dollar Foot Long
Question 1: Where were you five years ago?
1..Here in my house
2..Going to college
3..Working at the same job
4..Sitting with the same hubby and dog
5..Does anyone see a pattern?
Question 2: What is (was) on your to-do list today?
1..Go to work (check)
2..Read blogs (check)
3..Clean the kitchen (check)
4..Order pizz (Oh my gosh...I can't wait. I 've been craving it since Tuesday!)
5..Exercise (need to because see above!)
Question 3: What five snacks do you enjoy?
1..Peanut butter cookie dough ice cream (thanks alot Amy!)
2..French fries
3..Onion Rings
5..Deviled Eggs
Question 4: what five products do you use everyday?
1..Emachines (my computer)
2..Sony (my tv)
3..Huggies (pull-ups! but hopefully not for much longer!!!!)
4..Charmin (hehe)
5..LG(my phone)
Question 5: What five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1..Build a commune so my family could all have giant houses by each other!
2..Be a stay at home mom. But the good kind that actually teaches her kid stuff!
3..Hire a housekeeper
4..Probably have an in-home movie theater. Because honestly, that would be amazing!
5..Have a personal trainer and gym in my house. Because I wouldn't have to share gym equipment with the peasants! :)
Friday, April 9, 2010
Weight Watchers Friday and a Spin Cycle
Starting Weight: 159.8
Last Weeks Weight: 152.4
This Weeks Weight: 152.4
Total Weight Loss: 7.4 pounds
This week’s spin was about appearance so I am going to throw a few things about appearance in here and call it a spin!
· My appearance has been changing and I like it. I have noticed I can see the crevices in my cheekbones again. These were always a good feature that I had.
· My hourglass figure is (slowly) returning. I noticed it most when I was wearing a tighter t-shirt with some yoga pants. And actually a family member noticed it as well. That makes me happy!
· My work clothes fit better. Our work clothes are crappy to begin with and not very flattering, but especially when you are between sizes they are most unflattering. Because I am dropping sizes the clothes are laying nicer so I feel better about my appearance at work and I think it is making work more enjoyable.
· I am getting compliments and just that is enough to make me continue on my journey.
To see other people’s ideas and opinions on appearances check out Jen over at
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Crazy Kansas weather
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Oh my random
Got home from Dodge last night. While we were there I weighed myself and I was down 3 pounds. I don't know if it was all the junk food I was eating or if the inlaws scale is that different. I'm hoping that the junk food caused me to lose weight so I can use that in a "scientific study" to help people like me not to have to eat healthy!
It is supposed to be in the upper 70s to low 80s yesterday and today. And then Wednesday, when I'm off and was going to take darling monkey to the zoo, it's supposed to rain and be in the 50s. Yeah, that's pretty awesome! And I was really hoping to go to the zoo because they are supposed to be welcoming their 15millionth customer and they win a lifetime membership to the zoo and free tickets to an event at the new arena in town. That would be awesome!
But while the weather is nice we are going to definitely enjoy some more outdoor time!
And baseball started on Sunday. And the Royals home opener was yesterday. Even though they lost they showed some promise! So awesome!
How is it that one day you can feel like your child is the best ever and then the next day it takes everything you have not to strangle them? Yeah, that's what happens when you go for almost a week with no potty accidents and then in 1 day they have 2 at school and then pee on the floor when they get home. Awesome.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Things that should be free
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I got off work Friday at 5. I hurried and picked up the monkey and made it home to start preparing the food I needed to make for a joint bridal shower I was attending/helping set-up for. I made a sausage and egg bake that was supposed to serve 6. I doubled the recipe because we were told there would be close to 50 people at the shower. It ended up filling a cake sized pan and an 8x8 pan. Obviously that would serve more than 12. I then had to find room in the fridge for it because it was an overnight bake. Then I proceeded to make 2 loaves of banana bread because I had some over-ripe bananas and who doesn't want to be an overachiever when they have 15 other things that need to get done! :) I finally fell into bed around 10:30 knowing that I would have to start the morning early to finish preparing everything for the shower and packing to go visit the inlaws in Dodge City.
Got a rude awakening about 6 the next morning. My stomach was killing me. Hit the restroom and got out about 6:15. The hubby got up around 6:30 to start getting ready for work. I asked him to not dawdle in the bathroom because I wasn't feeling well (remember, only 1 bathroom). He said ok but my stomach started to hurt the minute he locked the door. I didn't know what to do so I had to make an actual call to nature. I popped a squat in the backyard. Thank goodness it was dark so that way I would see my dignity leaving me and no one else could see me either. I came back inside and of course dear hubby was out of the bathroom. (and if there are family members reading this please do not mention this to me. EVER.) Still mortified I couldn't even face him. I just started going about my business (the cooking, not the business). I got the monkey up and ready so my dad could watch him for the morning so I could finish everything and go to the bridal shower sans terror. After both my boys left I popped the casserole into the oven and I decided I needed to partake in a little exercise. I did the 30-Day shred. What an invigorating middle of my morning (8:30) to jump start the heart! I then finished my laundry, got me and the monkey packed and headed to the shower at 10.
The shower went surprisingly fast for there being 2 women opening so many presents! (jealous!) I ate too many weight watchers points but it was well worth it and since Friday I have earned 7 exercise points and will use all 35 of my bonus points so I should still be in the clear! My aunt makes the most delicious french toast bake and the 13 points on 2 slices was totally awesome! And the fact that I get it once every 2 years makes it ok in my book! Got home by about 1, about the same time as the hubby. He finished getting his stuff together and our little family hit the road about 2. After a long trip of my stomach being upset The. Entire. Way. we got to Dodge about 5:15. Got changed and hit, of course, the local Mexican restaurant about 6. I decided to eat a hamburger instead of the greasy Mexican food and it was delicious! We then headed to the church (at 7:20) to go for our neices baptism. Mass was supposed to start at 8:20. Of course with a 3yo it is difficult to do anything for very long, especially when his bedtime is 8. so by 9 he was acting like a terror. Mass had barely started and we headed for the door. We went back to the inlaws house and I put Leo to bed. I was ready for bed by 10:30 since I had been up all day. At one point I heard the girls screaming so I got up thinking that we had slept the whole night. Nope, it was 1:30. in the morning. I couldn't believe it. I went back to bed only to be woken up again at 2:30 by my hubby when he came to bed. So of course, his family wouldn't be waking up until late the next day so again, we would have to be trying to keep the monkey quiet while they were all sleeping.
Fade to next morning...of course the monkey woke up at 6:30. It is now after 8 and I am trying desperately to keep him quiet. He of course does not want to and I don't blame him. He has already worn out the newness of his Easter basket and the small bedroom that we are in sandwiched between 2 rooms of sleeping people is not boding well for us. I hope everyone else wakes up soon so that we can leave the confines of the bedroom. And I want to not waste my only other day off for the weekend cooped up in a bedroom. Depending on how long they stay asleep I might take him out for a walk.
Sorry for such a lengthy post. Thanks to everyone who finished :) I hope everyone has an awesome Easter weekend!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Weight Watchers week 3
Starting weight: 159
Last week: 153
This week: 152
Total weight loss: 7.4 pounds
A few things that have changed in the last 3 weeks that I have been participating in weight watchers. I have been much better about choosing foods that fit in a well balanced diet instead of just choosing whatever is in front of me. I have also really cut back on portion control. I have realized that the amount of food that we consume on an everyday basis is ridiculously out of whack! But sometimes I miss those ridiculously sized portions! I have also gotten better about making myself workout. Even if it is just stepping on my wii board for 20-30 minutes. Instead of just sitting on my rear watching tv with the hubby I have decided that I will use that time to embarrass myself in front of him! I’m just kidding, I don’t embarrass myself…well sometimes when my clumsy self trips while trying to step and watch tv! And I even went on a walk during my lunch hour yesterday! I sweated (but not too much!) and got completely windblown, but I knew that I wouldn’t get home until 8:30 and I probably wouldn’t want to work out when I got home, so I figured I should. I went to a park that is right across from where I work and walked 2 laps around it. It only took 30 minutes so I even had a little time for myself. But my most favorite change is the one where people see me and comment about weight loss. I had a regular customer come in last night and she asked me if I had lost weight. I don’t always see it when I look in the mirror so a change noticeable enough where a customer notices is nice. I have also had my mother and my dear sister-in-law (to be) make comments. And they feel good! I appreciate them as long as they are sincere and not forced! I may not have lost as much weight this week but I am still motivated! So week 3 and still going strong!
I have a lot going on this weekend (a bridal shower and of course Easter in Dodge) so I probably won't be posting as much or even being able to respond to other posts so I hope everyone has a happy Easter and I will be back next week!