Hooray! It's Wednesday! Only 4 more days until my weekend! (I have to work Saturday so yeah). Link up with
Jamie to see what everyone else is loving this week.
I am loving my new shoes I got. So cute! I'm trying to decide if I just want to use them as indoor shoes only and use my old ones to still walk outside when I go for walks. Something to think about!

I am loving that the schedule for the March-May schedule came out for the gym and they have a strictly cycling class in the mornings on the days I can go. So yay! I get to take my spin class!
I am loving that I have been able to blog more. Some weeks I just don't feel like I have enough time or ideas but lately I've felt like a blogging machine!
I am loving that Leo is healthy again. He still has a little bit of a cough but his anti-viral meds are done and that makes me happy!
I am loving that Texas lost to K-State on Monday. It is one of the only times that I will root for K-State but...that means that KU is now in sole possession of first place in the Big 12! Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Now that they control their own destiny I hope that they can keep up and win their last 2 games of the season. It'll be a tough week but I think they can do it! F.O.E.!
I am loving that it is March. Only 3 more months until my birthday! And then comes pool season! I'm definitely looking forward to the warmer weather coming our way.
I am loving all the crazy coming from Charlie Sheen. What I'm not loving is all the publicity it is garnering. (Yes...I know I am now doing what I said I don't love but...) Dude is freaking hilarious. Apparently he tested clean but he is spouting some CrAzY. The things he is saying is so funny. I don't think his behavior is probably the best when you have 4 children that are depending on your income but seriously. He's ridiculous!