I have been a lot better about cooking different things. I made chicken manicotti last night and it was pretty good. I think there wasn't enough sauce on it though or the noodles weren't completely covered because the ends of the noodles were a little crunchy still. I was ok with that because I like eating uncooked noodles. Plus it was a very well balanced dinner because we had peas and peaches with it as well. Yum!
I went to Target today and I am finished with all the kids Christmas shopping. Now onto the adults. But that is a little more difficult because on the hubby's side we draw names and that has not happened. Don't these people know that Christmas is 39 days away?! That's right. I said it. 39 days until Christmas! So excited!
Since I was off work on Monday it seems like I couldn't get off the stupid computer. I put an ad on Craigslist for a dinner table that we are trying to sell so I kept getting on my email to check to see if I had any interest. I also kept getting on google reader to see if any new posts have popped up. And of course I'm obsessed with facebook. I haven't even really been posting that much but I like to facebook stalk everyone I know. I'm such a creeper!
I know multiple people that are pregnant and it just keeps making my baby fever hit an all new high. I think knowing that I am coming up on when I think would be ideal for a new baby it is making me want it even more! But I keep having images of having twins and I hope it is not a foreshadow of what might happen. Eeks!
I have been watching E! Channel and it is ridiculous but I can't quit watching! Kendra and Married to Rock. So ridiculous. But so semi-relatable! Haha. I say relatable because on the season premiere of Kendra she was asked to pose for Playboy and she ended up doing it because she wanted to show that moms can be sexy. I obviously will not be posing for Playboy but I want to still be sexy even though I'm not a mom! And on Married to Rock one of the girls was really scatterbrained and her boyfriend (yeah, she wasn't married but they probably didn't want to do married and dating to rock) wanted the house to be organized. She was working full time and then had to do stuff around the house. And then when she couldn't find something or what-not she would get really nervous/frantic because she didn't want to let down her boyfriend. I can relate to that because I have to take care of the house and get dinner ready and make sure Leo is taken care of and still work full-time. It's always a struggle and then feeling like everything has to be perfect makes it even worse.
Ok. That is all I have, which was more than enough I'm sure! If you want to see more go check out Keely and read all the other random!
Your dinner last night sounds yummy!! Even with the uncooked part of the noodles - I totally would have eaten them, too. ;)
39 days - I'm excited but I'm stumped on what to get for the hubby...he's so hard to buy for because whenever I come up with a good idea, he ends up getting it for himself! :)
RTT: B-Day Fun, Technology and Parenting Fail
39 days! Gaaaaahh!
I have this "the MIL said no gifts between adults but I know she's going to get me something anyway and then make me feel guilty" dilemma.
I'm about half ready for the whole Christmas thing. But have to get through Thanksgiving and the great trip to New York for my seven year old first.
HI there! I am your newest follower on google and twitter from the blog hop! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com
Have a peek at my giveaways if you stop by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!
I hate when the "baby envy" sets in.
I, too, am done with kids. Just adults. Who are much harder to shop for.
I actually have the perfect gift for John! I'm so excited about it, I might just get sick from the excitement!
(really excited!!!)
Ssshh... I'm addicted to a few of those E shows as well. I don't know why, but they just keep luring me back.
I had a dream I was preggo last night and I had two thoughts, "Who do I sue and where is it growing?"
I haven't bought a single thing. I'm banking on good reviews.
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