So I saw this on a few other blogs so I figured this would be like a virtual journal for future baby!
How far along: 14 weeks
Baby size: An orange
Total weight gain: 3 pounds (give or take a few depending on the day)
Maternity clothes: You know it. I’ve been so bloated I’ve been wearing maternity pants for probably 4+weeks.
Sleep: It hasn’t been interrupted
Best moments: I felt the baby move on Saturday. So exciting!
Movements: See above
Food Cravings: none
What I miss: A clear face and chest free from acne!
Looking forward to: June 7th…sonogram time! And the time I'll put the news on Facebook.
Symptoms: other than having a horrible stomach virus or food poisoning nothing this week. So exciting!
Stretch marks: Errr…you mean other than the ones I previously had?! I’ve actually noticed new ones on my chest. Already…seriously?!
Congrats! It's so exciting to have a new little one. Keep us updated when you can!