Saturday, May 14, 2011

Silly Saturday

It seems like every week is a funny week with a 4 year old and this week has been no different. 2 things happened this morning that just struck me as funny.

This morning I was woke up by Leo in my bed tracing his fingers across my forehead. You know you have too much acne when your son is playing dot to dot on my face. So any suggestions would be helpful!

And then I was headed off to work this morning and Leo was playing a Diego game that he had gotten from a relative a few years ago but now he is finally old enough to play. He was playing it and he said he needed help so I was looking at it with him. I couldn’t figure it out without sitting there for a little bit and I had to leave for work. Right as I was walking away he figured it out. And I told the hubby…it makes me feel super awesome when my 4 year old can figure out how to play the game and I can’t.

So I guess both funny things happened at my expense but I laughed about them both. What a crazy kid!

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