Sunday, July 24, 2011

Memoir Monday: Relaxing weekend edition

Finally...a relaxing weekend! My first weekend off the whole month of July. And I have been looking forward to it since June! Haha. The sad thing is I'm not even kidding!

Saturday morning we got up super early (4am) because the hubby had to take his sister and brother-in-law to the airport because they got to go to Hawaii. So jealous! I set my alarm too so that way we made sure he got up because they live 30 minutes away so it was quite the drive and I didn't want him to oversleep. While he was gone I crashed back out and slept until almost 8. We got up and ran some errands and then got some McDonalds for lunch. Then the rest of the afternoon we just chilled out. It. was. amazing.

Sunday we got up and went over to my parents house to swim. The pool was crystal-clear (that's for you mom!) and Leo and myself plus my dad, brother, his wife and daughter were all over there. The hubby is not a swimmer (or a people-person) so he stayed home and relaxed by himself. Seriously though...the pool was awesome. The weather has been stupid-hot here so any time we can get to the pool for a little bit we try. We were over there for about an hour and half and the pool was just the right temperature to keep us relaxed. After swimming we got ready and went out to lunch with my hubby's parents who were stopping through town after going to a concert the night before. So we hung out for almost 2 hours and enjoyed the company.

The rest of the afternoon I've just been hanging out and I had 50 free prints from Shuttefly so I downloaded some pictures and ordered them so I could use the coupon before it expired. And now I am getting ready to go bowling for my league. We suck but we have fun!

I hope everyone had as nice of a weekend as I have! Happy Sunday!

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