Here’s a recap of how my week with my menu plan has gone.
Monday night I used the Foreman grill to cook hamburgers and brats. They turned out amazingly and the clean-up was pretty simple. And I say that because the hubby did it! Haha!
Tuesday morning I got up and made Leo the smoothie. It turned out pretty good but it made quite a large cup so most of it did not get drank. He wanted to save it but it did not save very well through the day!
Wednesday night was the crazy night. I got home from work around 6:30 and started dicing up the chicken for the kung pao chicken. I had bought a large package of chicken so that way I could save money since I was using the other half of the package to make the fajitas. So I diced the entire package and tossed what I needed for that night’s dinner in the skillet. I had already put the noodles in to cook as well. After that was done the hubby and I ate dinner together and then I started cleaning up. I had also decided that I would pre-make the lasagna so that way the hubby would only have to put it in the oven on Thursday when I had to work late. So I put that all together. And as a first time lasagna maker it was not as difficult as some make it out to be. Maybe I chose an easy recipe but it was pretty simple so that was a definite plus. Then I cleaned up all the dishes and the cabinets and stove. I was finished. But something was kind of nagging at me. So I let it nag and then I said…fine! So I decided to make the marinade for my fajitas so I wouldn’t have to do that Thursday night since the plan was to have those on Friday. So between 6:30 and 8 I got 3 meals prepared for this week. And I felt completely accomplished!
Thursday night was so relaxing because I came home and dinner was already made and so all I had to do was take some out of the pan and eat it. The lasagna tasted really good but I still have a hard time getting over the ricotta level. NOT a fan of ricotta! But the hubby said it was good so the vegetarian dinner was a success!
And now today is Friday. The fajita meat has been marinating for a day and a half so hopefully it will be deliciously seasoned! I am grabbing lettuce and tomatoes and I have cheese and sour cream at home. It is definitely a dinner I am looking forward to!
Leftovers come tomorrow and then Sunday I’m making enchiladas. I have all the ingredients for them so that I am looking forward to as well! Happy Friday to you all!
Sounds like the meal plans went off with out a hitch.