With our 3-day weekend (because I was lucky enough to not work this past Saturday) we did a lot of nothing and it was amazing. I'm really enjoying having the house pretty much fixed up and with a lack of stuff in it so the cleaning is quick and painless. Saturday my mom took Leo to the local historic museum called Cowtown and they watched gun fights and participated in a scavenger hunt and did other fun things. Like drink beer (sarsaparilla) in the saloon. He thought that was pretty awesome! So while they were out gallivanting around town the hubby and I just hung out and watched HGTV all day. It was pretty amazing. Sunday was busier only because we attended 2 parties with our families. It was nice to see everyone and spend time with them. Monday was another day where we didn't have anything going on but then we got a message saying that someone wanted to come look at the house so we had to clean up and get out. While the people were snooping around we went to eat, went to Target and then got Leo's hair cut. All in all it was an outstanding weekend!
We didn't really have anything to get at Target but it seems like you can't leave without buying something. So Leo made out like a bandit. He got a coloring book, a box of colored pencils, a Star Wars t-shirt and a Target brand Nerf gun (btw...I didn't even know they made off-brand Nerf guns but he got 3 mini guns that came in 1 pack for $5). All of that I got for under $20. I was pretty amazed. And he was extremely happy!
Our house has been on the market since August 17th. That is 19 days. And since those 19 days have passed we have had 3 showings. That's 1 per week. I think that's pretty good seeing as how the market isn't super-awesome. I'm just hoping that before September 20th our house sells. I'm giving it until then so that way if it takes 1 month to close we are still closing on our house before my due date. Let's hope that the showing on Monday was the one and they put an offer in today!
Even though I sometimes complain about work we do have some pretty cool perks. Such as winning tickets to local events at the arena that our bank has the name rights to. The most recent contest was to win tickets to see Disney on Ice Toy Story 3. And we won! AND we get suite tickets. So this upcoming Saturday we get to go to the arena and watch Toy Story 3. Leo is so excited!
Is anyone else excited about football season? I AM! It starts this Thursday and I can't wait! Woo hoo! Let's go Redskins! :)
Ok. That's enough random from me. I hope you all had a nice Labor Day weekend and your week goes quickly!
I love going to Target and seeing how much I can get for how little. Their dollar section rocks!
Sounds like you had the perfect relaxing long weekend! :)
Princess Nagger loves going to Target with me, she always makes out like a bandit at those dollar bins...when she's happy, I'm happy! ;)
Thanks so much for continuing to rock the random with me in spite of me being a sucky hostess! :)
Toddler Antics & Angst, R.I.P. Nigel 1.0 - Make Way for Nigel 2.0: RTT Rebel
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