I am loving that my little monkey has been telling me all weekend that I am just too darn cute and that I am the cutest girl in town! Sometimes it is to stall but I'll take what I can get!
I am loving the fact that the temperature has dropped but not enough to make me feel like we skipped fall! It's nights like these that a nice pot of chili or a crockpot full of roast would be awesome!
I am loving the that last weekend I spent with my boys and we had so much fun! We did so much fun stuff together that it doesn't matter how much money we spent because we were in unison as a family!
I am loving that this upcoming weekend is filled with Halloween activities. Friday night: Trunk or Treat at Leo's daycare. Saturday: Costumes and fun at Exploration Place and Cowtown. And Sunday: Halloween carnival at the church and then trick or treating with Leo's favorite cousin Chloe!
I am loving that I am on vacation until Monday! Woo hoo!
I am loving that I already have the kitchen cleaned up and my laundry almost finished so that way I am not wasting my entire vacation cleaning. It is extra enjoyable to see the counters and our kitchen table not covered in paper and mess!
Thanks for playing along!
Enjoy your vacation!
I am loving this weekend too. It will be full, but great!
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