Ok...so even though I have really creepy looking feet apparently I'm loving that my mom and I got pedicures before Thanksgiving. And they're still looking good!

Even though we have a baby tree (6 foot) we have it up and decorated with our ornaments from when we were kids and then one from every year we've been together from the hubby's grandma!

I'm loving the Harry Potter movies. I had a movie marathon on Monday and watched movies 1-5 and am finishing up with 6 tonight. Then hopefully sometime this weekend the hubby and I can swing time to go see it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I LOVE Pink's greatest hits. My friend burned me a copy (is that even legal?!) but he did. And it is awesome! I have been jamming out for the past 2 weeks and love it!

And of course I'm loving this little dude. Even though he's been pretty crazy lately and getting on my last nerve about every other day I'm loving on him every chance I get!
I am also loving that I participated in Pay It Forward Day. I bought one of my co-workers a drink before work this morning and then I bought the branch Little Debbie Christmas tree cupcakes. And you know what...when I got home and got on Facebook I had won a free house cleaning from a local cleaning company. See...seriously...everyone should pay it forward!
So that is what I'm loving today! Go check out what
everyone else is loving! Happy Wednesday!
**Images of Pink album and Harry Potter are from google!**
Great things to LOVE :) I LOVE HP movies too!
Thanks for playing along!
French pedicures are my fave!
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