Monday, January 31, 2011

Memoir Monday

This weekend flew by. I think I say that every weekend but seriously…they go by so fast!

The end of last week started with me starting to not feel good. Yuck. I don’t think so. So I have been sucking down cough drops and just trying to relax as much as I can. Friday I was going to go with my dad to pick my mom up from the airport but her flight was delayed to where she was supposed to get into town by 9 that evening to not even leaving her destination until 10. Yikes! So I just stayed home with my boys and made some chili dogs for dinner and we hung out.

Saturday we got up in the morning and we played a little Don’t Wake Daddy. The game. Not the real version where we’re quiet! Then we got ready and hit the town with my mom to do a little shopping and then go to lunch. Because Leo was with us we ended up eating at Wendy’s instead of someplace a little nicer. We’re waiting until he’s not with us so we can go to Noodles and Company. But we hit up World Market because I had a gift card. I got a carrying case for my 9X11 cake pan, a heart-shaped pancake/egg mold and 4 soufflé dishes so I can make some individual pot pies. Yum! Then Saturday night we got some take out from Texas Roadhouse and went over to my sister-in-laws house to watch the Sunflower Showdown (AKA the KU vs. K-State game!). It was amazing because KU beat K-State by a lot!

Sunday we woke up and went to church. Then we came home and hung out most of the day. I ended up doing all of my laundry and putting it all away so that was nice but still an annoying task. I told the hubby I would clean the bathroom but I didn’t make it that far. The nap I took sounded better. I guess I will do that tonight!

I hope all of you had an awesome weekend!

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I try to stay out of World Market since they have so many things I love but don't need. Every time I walk in there, I talk myself into something!