Yay! It's another Rebel Random Tuesday brought to us by the lovely Stacy since Keely is still on hiatus. I'm off today and have nothing better to do since I'm waiting for the Westar man to get here between noon and 4 and I figured I'd throw down some random for you all!
- And yes...you did read that correctly. They are supposed to be here between noon and 4. So ridiculous. But I am having them install one of their fancy thermostats that they can hack into at any time but are supposedly only going to when the need for cold air is in the highest demand and give it to others and hopefully keep my electric bill down this summer. We'll see how it works.
- And yes you also read that part correctly. I am off today. Woo hoo! I have even been very productive (but not productive enough!). I took Leo to school, went to the gym and cleaned up the kitchen, living room and dining room. Woot woot!
- There are a lot of books that I would like to read. I am about to finish up the Bones series. I think I have 2 books left in that series. But I wasn't able to go to the library before we took our jaunt to western Kansas last weekend so I read a book that the hubby bought towards the end of the year last year. It's called I'm Not High by Jim Breur. The goatboy from Saturday Night Live. It was so funny and a very easy read so that was nice. I also want to read the books The Help and Water for Elephants. They are both books that are being made into movies and I saw that and was like, Oh yeah. I want to read those! So they are on my to-read list! And then of course because I finished the other book I was reading and still didn't have time to go to the library I started to re-read the Hunger Games. And I was barely into it and started crying. It is such an emotionally draining series. I cried the first time I read it and I will probably cry the 50th time I read it!
- At the gym I have noticed a trend that I don't think should be happening. And if you are someone that does this I'm sorry I'm saying it but...people should not, I repeat NOT wear jeans to work out in. Ok, not that they shouldn't but I just think it would be so restrictive and uncomfortable. I don't even like to wear shirts with long sleeves because I feel like they get in my way so I don't even want to imagine what jeans would feel like. I just know that when I sweat in jeans they get really clingy and that is just not what I want to be feeling while working out.
- And speaking of working out I have put some of my music onto my iphone and have been using that to workout by. And that brings me to my main problem. I don't have good workout music. So any suggestions on good tunes to work out to?
- The weather has been so nice lately but the wind has been killer. And because of that last point we have not been able to grill yet. I am just looking forward to our first grill-out of the spring. Bring it on!
Songs I work out:
Eminem - Cinderella Man
Andrew W.K. - Party Hard
Joe Buddens - Pump It Up
Anything by Goldfrapp
Sir Mix-a-lot - Jump on It
Michael Franti - Say Hey
Good luck and Happy RTT!
Hopefully the Westar dudes showed up by 4! I'll be curious to see if your electric bill sees some good results this summer! :)
You sure were productive on your day off! :)
I need to get the Bones series - I'd love to read those, too.
I can't fathom those that workout in jeans - they just don't seem like they'd allow for a good workout, not to mention they wouldn't be all that comfortable, especially when sweating!
Thanks so much for the huge shout-out and being a rebel with me! :)
"My Post" - RTT Rebel
I definitely recommend Water for Elephants. GREAT book. I'm on the waiting list for The Help. Jeans while working out? I don't think so. I barely wear jeans in the summer since I live in Florida! Too restrictive.
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