Woo hoo! I'm go psyched it's Wednesday. I don't have to work this weekend and I have a lot of stuff going on on Sunday so I'm glad there are only a few days between now and then! Check out Jamie and see what everyone is loving this week!
**I'm loving that we found out what we were having yesterday! It's a....BOY! It may not be what I was hoping for but I am super happy that everything looked good and that the baby is growing healthily inside! There are too many people out there that either can't get pregnant or have trouble going full-term with a baby to be upset about something so small as gender. So the good news is we will have a happy, healthy baby boy!**
**I'm also loving that our garage sale was after we found out the sex. Because now instead of having gotten rid of the 4 (yes 4) crates full of Leo's old clothes. That will definitely save a lot of money for us in the long run!**
**I'm also loving that we found out so I can go shopping for sweet little baby clothes. Because baby clothes are so darn cute!**
**Ok...enough about baby stuff. I'm really loving that my birthday week has gone so awesomely so far! Tonight we had dinner at my parents house. I requested hamburgers and bratwurst as the main course and homemade apple pie for dessert. And my parents came through and it was soooo delicous! And I didn't have to cook or clean up so that was a plus!**
**I'm also loving that after I got the Kindle and was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get very many books because of the cost my familia came through and got me Amazon gift cards for my birthday presents! Woot woot!**
**I'm loving that Leo is big enough to do manly things with his dad! Tonight we (finally) brought home our fire pit and wood that my parents got us for Christmas. And my boys put it together. It was so cute watching them work as a team. Obviously Leo didn't do a lot to help but he was so proud just being able to help his daddy!**
**And finally I'm loving that Leo is staying the night with his grandparents and he is excited to do things with both of them. He will go fishing with grandpa probably Friday night and then grandma will take him somewhere fun Saturday afternoon. And he'll enjoy both equally even if he shows more love to his grandpa! And it will give me and the hubby the chance to maybe go see a movie since we didn't get to last weekend. We'll see though!**
Ok. That's all we got. Don't forget to click over to see what all everyone else is loving!
How wonderful! Congrats on another healthy little boy!
Congratulations on that new baby boy! So sweet. And yes, let yourself indulge in a few new little man clothes.
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