**If you saw my tweet last night or follow me on Twitter (shameless plug...@kendrasue18) you saw that my clothes dryer stopped working but that I fixed it! I was amazed at my genius. And by genius I opened the door and saw that some clothes had become lodged between the door and lint trap so I had to unlodge it. But lo and behold my dryer started working again and I was extremely happy. Because it meant I don't have to step back into a laundromat!**
**Speaking of laundromats...I went 2 weeks ago to wash our comforter because it won't fit into our washing machine. I had called around to a few dry cleaners and they told me it would cost $25 and I could be without my comforter for up to a week. So I just took it to the coin-operated laundromat and did it myself for $6.75. Well in the mail last week I got a coupon to a dry cleaner for $25 worth of free services. It expires at the end of August so I figured I'll take my comforter there at the very last minute and get it cleaned again. Might as well!**
**As I'm typing this I'm watching the Home Run Derby. These dudes (aka major league baseball players) are ridiculous. I can't believe how they can just hit ball after ball and be homeruns. Some of them are almost 500 feet. That is so ridiculous!**
**I'm looking forward to my day off. It's today (technically tomorrow since I'm typing this on Monday). I don't have a lot planned and did stuff on Monday night so I wouldn't have as much to do on my day off. My plans include going to the gym and going to my parents to lay out by myself for awhile before coming home to finish my chores. I'm pretty sure as much as I do around the house I deserve an allowance!**
**I really want a massage. And a mani/pedi. And I think I deserve one. I think that should be my allowance that I said I deserved! Maybe to compensate for all I do I could get a bi-monthly spa day where I get to get a massage, mani and pedi. That would be amazing. I think someone needs to tell my hubby this to get him to agree!**
**My mom gets to go to Scotland this week for 2 weeks for work. How ridiculous is that?! I wish my work sent me to totally awesome places like Scotland. Instead I get to go to downtown Wichita for meetings. That's pretty awesome right?!**
**Speaking of my work I applied for a new job within my company. It's a management job so I think that it has pros and cons along with it but I've been in my current position for about 3 years and the next step is a manager job soooo I guess it's a good thing for me to try to get. And if I don't get selected for this particular job then at least my name is out there that I am looking to move up. We shall see where it leads!**
**Did you see where I said in my title 111 degree heat? Yeah...I wasn't kidding about that. Our little city hit 111 degrees on Sunday. And they said on the news this morning that we were going to be a little cooler today at 107. I'm not sure about you but I don't think I can tell the difference between 111 and 107! One thing I do know is that I'm glad I'm going to the pool to lay out and swim!**
**My grandpa has been in a rehab center for an issue with his back and so my grandma has been by herself at my aunt and uncles house. So Monday I picked her up for dinner and we hung out for awhile and then went and visited my grandpa before I took her home for the evening. While visiting my grandpa he was talking about from 1928 (when he was born) until 1939 he said on their farm they didn't even have electricity. And so in the summers they didn't have fans or air conditioning. I'm so glad I never had to deal with that! But it was nice to listen to h

Ok. That's enough for today. Go check out Stacy and see all the other rebel randomers! And if you're somewhere that it's going to get as hot as it is here I hope your air conditioner is working!
111 is too hot! 107 is too hot! I'd find a pool and not leave it! Tha tis so sweet that you hung out with your grandma. I hope my grandkids hang out with me when I get old(er)! Enjoy your day off!
111* is mental hot. My AC is working and the pool is nice and refreshing so me and the dog have been doing laps to keep cool. Oh and swigging lots of margueritas. me...not the dog.He eats watermelon instead. LOL
I know it's brutally hot outside, but the temp in my office is hovering in the 60's so it's hard to commiserate!
111 is definitely too hot - I'd not be able to tell the difference between 111 and 107, both are too hot! Isn't it amazing how it's not really all that long ago that everyone lived without electricity (and a/c and fans and other stuff we now take advantage of) I don't know how they did it!!
So sweet you hung out with your grandma - I bet she really appreciates spending time with you! :)
Yay for being a womanly woman and fixing your dryer so you don't have to go to the laundromat! :) Too funny you got a coupon for the dry cleaners - for what it would cost to have your comforter cleaned. I'd totally use it right before it expires to clean the comforter again (for free). :)
Thanks so much for diligently rockin' the random with me each week! :)
American Pickers & Motel Fail, Fun Vacation: RTT Rebel
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