Whew. It's Tuesday again and boy do I have some random for you! After you get done visiting me don't forget to visit Stacy and all the other random rebels out there!
- What is it about baseball players and chewing tobacco? Of course since it's the summer we watch a stupid amount of baseball and I've always noticed that baseball player like their chaw. And I don't get it. I definitely prefer to see them chewing on sunflower seeds or big league chew but you see a lot of them spitting and it is so gross. I wonder who started that. I'm sure I could find it on Google but figured RTT was a much better place for me to put my question out there!
- I picked up Kentucky Fried Chicken Sunday night for dinner and it was expensive. Like $20 for 2 meals and 2 extra biscuits expensive! I'm not sure why there prices are so inflated. And by the time I saw the prices I had already been in line and didn't want to go somewhere else. I just couldn't believe it. Pretty sure that's the last time for awhile that we will be getting any KFC.
- The hubby and I both downloaded Angry Birds (or as Leo likes to call it, Mad Birds) on our phones because Leo played it on my uncles phone and really liked it and it will keep him busy for a little bit if we have somewhere we need to keep him occupied. But something strange happened after download. The hubby and I have become addicted to it. It is so much fun and I just want to crush those stupid pigs! For awhile the hubby and I were on the same level but he has overtaken me and so now all I want to do is beat him!
- The women's World Cup just happened. I'm not sure if any of you cared. I dislike soccer quite a bit. The hubby enjoys it sometimes. Our son became a soccer hooligan. We watched the USA-Brazil game and that was pretty exciting. I won't lie. And then I tried to follow when they played to get into the finals. And then on Sunday when the finals were on I watched most of it. I fell asleep and then woke up during the extra time. And then they lost in the penalty kicks. So I was ok with sleeping through part of the game so I didn't feel like I wasted my time to watch them lose. That's so terrible but that's how I feel. I also feel the same way about watching baseball games only to see the team I want to win lose it in the 9th. But my main point about the World Cup is that I know soccer is probably the least liked sport in the United States but my Twitter and Facebook feeds were full of updates. I think it's like the Olympics where no one cares about gymnastics, curling, swimming, etc. but man...when those Olympics come on you better watch out because we are USA all the way!
We miss KFC here--we had one but it closed about seven years ago now. Grocery store chicken may be cheaper, it doesn't taste the same.
The last time we went to KFC we found their chicken to be pretty slimy and soggy. I seem to recall it being really fresh and crispy. I guess nothing stays the same.
I'm with you on the whole baseball players and tobacco chewing - it's just gross!
It's been awhile since we've gotten KFC - not only since their prices seem to be out there, but the quality has really gone downhill.
Angry Birds is addicting isn't it? We now have Angry Birds Rio and Angry Birds Seasons downloaded - hubby complains his cell phone battery is always dying at the wrong time since he plays it all. the. time. :) And I hear ya about wanting to crush those pigs - that's my obsession, too. That and trying to catch up to the level hubby is at that he can't seem to get past. ;)
Thanks for keeping the random alive with me! :)
Target and Sears Issues, BFFL Phone Play Date - RTT Rebel
Too funny ... Dani was home over the weekend, and she was obsessed with Angry Birds, too.
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