Who knew Mondays could go so fast when you're not working. Pretty much any day for that matter goes quickly when you have to go to work the next day! But here we are. It's Tuesday and time for another episode of RTT!
A few people asked how my race went a few weekends ago. And the answer to that is: I FINISHED! Woo hoo! I may not have been the fastest and the most graceful but dammit I finished! The Warrior Dash was in Kansas City 2 weekends ago and it was a 5k with obstacles. I finished that one in about an hour and 8 minutes. There was one obstacle that we had to wait for about 15 minutes on though. So if you subtract that from my time I did it in less than an hour. I'm ok with that time. Then the next weekend was the Color Me Rad here in Wichita. I did that one with my sister-in-law and bless her heart she waited for me at each color station so we could get bombed together. She is much quicker than I am and the temperature that day was about 40 degrees and rainy. Cold and wet do not go well with my asthma so I really appreciated the support from her. Here are a few of our pictures from each race
My bib before and after the Warrior Dash. So dirty! |
My SIL and I after the race. We were frozen to the bone. |
My bib before and after the color run |
Last Sunday (a week ago, not 2 days ago) I spent about 80% of my day cleaning our house. It was just one of those days and the house needed it. I felt like it hadn't been terribly dirty but was just messy. So I remedied that and as I was sitting down to finally relax after everyone else was in bed I saw a stupid mouse scurry right by where the boys keep some of their toys in the living room. I was so flipping annoyed. I couldn't believe it. I was so mad. So here we are a week later and no traps have been filled by the bodies of dead mice and I'm starting to wonder if the cleaning solutions hadn't diluted my mind. Ok, not really but still annoyed. Just go away mice! On the upside, no evidence of mice have been found either. So they are either really clean mice or they are just keeping their business to a minimum. I still do not want additional animals in my house. Out ya go!
The city-wide garage sale is this upcoming weekend and I am ready. Ok, not really. But I have most of my stuff ready to be tagged and hopefully bought by someone who needs it much more than I do. My brother and SIL have a sale every year and they are gracious enough to let me bring our
junk awesome stuff to be sold. The last few years I have felt like I had quite a few things to get rid of. This year, not so much. I am getting rid of a few baby related items but we are keeping the rest on a just in case basis. I'm hoping that basis is for if one of my really close friends gets knocked up but who knows. Anyways...off of that tangent! I'm selling a few bigger items but mostly clothes that don't fit me anymore...too big not too small! Woo hoo! So besides the fact that I'm getting 2 days of vacation this week I'm not expecting a huge profit. I'll low ball it but if I make $150 I'll be happy.
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