Good news. The dishes have been done. And not by me! Woo hoo! I won!
It has been really chilly here lately in the mornings and I am loving it. I am excited that our air conditioner never comes on anymore and so hopefully my next months electric bill will be almost non-existent! It has almost made all the mosquitoes disappear as well.
The weekend trip to KC went very well. The trip was pretty uneventful but on the way home Sunday morning Leo slept about half the way home and I can say I almost fell asleep a few times. I just couldn't wake myself up. I can see how the people who have really long trips actually do fall asleep. Scary.
I did get to jam out to some Laurie Berkner Band. She is a kids singer and her music is really catchy. And it's not terrible to listen to. Well some people wouldn't like it I'm sure but it didn't bother me at all. And we even had a dance party before bedtime and Leo went straight to bed when we were finished. He was probably all tuckered out from all the awesomeness!
The only downside to the weekend was we went to go see "You Again." It was a horrible movie. I am not even exaggerating. It was like "Oh, this girl was so mean to me in high school and now she's marrying my brother." And then horrible comedy ensues. There were a few funny parts but overall the movie was not great. At least my aunt lives near a movie theater that only charges $6 for a night movie. So cheap! And I couldn't complain too much because I was getting to stay for free at their house and they fed me delicious chicken enchiladas and a rice bake for dinner Saturday night and then chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for breakfast on Sunday!
I don't have a lot of exciting stuff going on this week just mainly work but I do get to go see Daniel Tosh tonight. He's a comedian that has a show on Comedy Central and he's coming to Wichita so the hubby and I are heading out on a date to go watch it. I've been looking forward to this since July!
I got nothing else so I guess that means I have to go get ready for work. O happy day!
Sounds like you had a better weekend than I did! And won the dish stand off? Kudos!
It is a nice change when the A/C doesn't kick on as much. Sadly we'll be up close to 90 again by the weekend.
Well..what a bummer that that movie wasn't good. I had it on my list of movies. HAD.
I am sooo loving this cooler weather and I too am going to be happy to see my electric bill.
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