Wednesday, November 7, 2012

In Memory Of

This year has been a rough year.  We’ve had a lot of people close to us pass away in our family and it’s nice that Gretchen (  is giving us an outlet to memorialize them.  So here is my In memoriam…


My aunt Karen:
I’ve posted twice about her since she’s passed and even just last week I thought about her and how it’s so strange that she is no longer with us.  We weren’t terribly close but close enough that the hole in my heart hasn’t quite healed.  She showed perseverance in the last 4 years of her life.  She wasn’t supposed to make it that long but she chose to ignore the doctors and do her own thing.  In that time she sparked a fire in our family to push through and live your life to the fullest.


My BFF’s mom Janara:

I hadn’t seen Janara in probably 3 years but I have a lot of memories of her.  I’ve known her daughter, Camdin, since I was in the second grade and we’ve been best friends since.  Even though Camdin and I have drifted in the past few years we still seem to make time for each other when she comes back to town.  And in the past few years I’ve tried to be a better friend and I’m vowing to continue to try to be better.  I sat in the hospital with Camdin while her mom was in ICU and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.  It was so important for me to be there for her and even though I didn’t know exactly what was needed, wanted to make myself available to her.  Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to her mom and with that came a lot of tears.  Since Camdin has gone back home I still don’t always have the right words to say to her but I love her so much and hope she knows that.


And last but not least my little dog Freckles:

I got Freckles when she was a wee, little puppy and I was an almost 8th grader.  She made multiple moves with me from my first house to my first college apartment to the next and then to my final house where we live now.  She loved chocolate ice cream and French fries.  She also loved to sleep between my legs on the bed.  Unfortunately my time with her got much smaller after I had babies and then when we were trying to sell our house and then after I had Jacoby she lived with my parents.  I always showed her love when we were around her and she was always wagging her tail at the door when she saw me.  It was a very sad time when she passed but she lived a good, long (15 years) life and I’m glad she was a part of mine.




gretchen said...

I'm so sorry for your losses. And you know, I'm glad you included your dog. I've found that the loss of a pet can be just as difficult to deal with as the death of a person. I'll never forget when my friend Karen's father passed away. Their dog, Cosmo, had died just a few weeks before. One day, her son who was I think about 6 at the time asked her, "Mom? Is it okay if I miss Cosmo more than Grandpa?" And she said it was. Cosmo had been part of their lives on a daily basis, but Grandpa was only seen once a year or so. Sweet.

You are linked!

Janice said...

Condolences for your losses. Know that often just your presence is all that is needed during times of sorrow. Sometimes words can get in the way of person's grieving. But another loving soul sharing in the grief will lighten the burden.

As for your bdf (best dog forever)hope you can find a favorite picture of Freckles to have nearby. My Samantha's picture is right in front of me as I type.