Sorry for the poor quality of where I can type but I had to scan pictures in and I am not a pro at it! Today I am supposed to show you a picture of me at least 10 years ago. The one on top is from pretty much exactly 10 years ago. I was 16 and working at Sam Goody in our local mall. It was such a fun job! I really liked that job and the only thing I disliked about it were the crazy hours, especially around Christmas time! The picture below is of me 20 years ago. I was 5 and I'm guessing it's either Christmas or my birthday because I am holding up my new Barbie game. What a lucky girl I was! :) I hope you enjoy these little blasts from the past!
Very cute!
Makes me remember my first job, I was a car hop at sonic! LOL!
mmmm.sonic. I would have gained too much weight working there. THat was our "Hangout" after school so I ate enough as it was!
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