Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I honestly don't have a lot to say today. I really just don't want to do housework. I am off work today and I need to clean up the kitchen and clean the bathroom. I should also be doing laundry but I am feeling very lazy. I guess I feel like on my days off I should get to have actual days off instead of "work" days off. Oh well, it needs to get done. I wish I had a cleaning lady. How amazing would that be? I wouldn't even have to worry about the cleaning nonsense and I could lay in bed all day and watch the episodes of Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood that I have taped. But nooooooo I have to get up and do work! I sometimes also wonder what it would be like if I were a stay at home mom. I would probably be horrible at it other than the cooking part because I would shove the monkey in his room and say, mommy needs her Tori and Dean fix! haha! That would be the life. Or even better, he could already be in school and I could continue to be a stay at home mom so I could do a little cleaning here and there but still get my tv fix. Yep. that solves it. My husband needs to get a much better paying job or we could win the lottery. Ahhh to dream!


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I'm totally with you today - I so don't feel like doing anything around the house today! A cleaning lady every couple of months just to have a day off would be great.

Heather said...

Isn't it just lovely to sit back and dream....

Oh, to win the lottery...oh, sorry I was dreaming!